dc.contributorCampoverde Méndez, Mélida Rocío
dc.creatorBuestan Pita, Kevin Christopher
dc.creatorNarváez Regalado, Cristina María
dc.identifierBuestan Pita, Kevin Christopher; Narváez Regalado, Cristina María (2018). The influence of the natural approach to improve the oral proficiency on 7th grade students at la tia Rosa school during the school year 2017-2018. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 114 p.
dc.descriptionSpeaking English has many opportunities that can open many doors to the one that can master the language in an adequate manner. These days it is mandatory for language learners to develop their language proficiency to the maximum of their capabilities in this challenging word. Students also need to be orientated in order for them to acquire enough knowledge to determine their social, commercial, technological, and cultural development, aiding student to establish skills and competences for them to improve human being lifestyles in future times. The problem in the study is stated in chapter one in which proper communication is not evident due to lack of proper intonation, pronunciation, vocabulary content, enough practice and even lack of confidence in students when it comes to perform speaking in English. The insufficiency of hours for English practice, not enough material aimed for such tasks and the poor motivation students show to engage into extra-curricular activities involving such skills. As stated in the previous paragraph, in chapter two the methodology applied to find a relief to this problem is discussed. The Natural Approach and its methodology is applied to the problem with its characteristics as first hand communication, involvement of realia, vocabulary, and present situations depending on the tasks that are worked on in class or apparently improvised to the situation from the teacher or students requests. The parameters involved for such task using the Natural Approach also relate to the application of many flashcards, wallcharts and vocabulary that is from lessons and exercises aimed to the general objectives for each class…………
dc.format114 p.
dc.publisherGuayaquil: ULVR, 2018.
dc.subjectOral proficiency
dc.subjectNatural approach
dc.titleThe influence of the natural approach to improve the oral proficiency on 7th grade students at la tia Rosa school during the school year 2017-2018

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