dc.contributorPeláez Moreno, Lenin Ernesto
dc.creatorCevallos Armijos, Johanna Cristina
dc.descriptionA model of a strategic plan was elaborated, whose application is for the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Union of Professional Drivers of Canton Yanzatza, Province of Zamora Chinchipe, Period 2017 - 2021, with the purpose of giving alternative of solution to the executives of the entity And achieve profitability, competitive efficiency and serve as a financial support tool, which contributes positively in the different areas of the institution; In addition, to improve its performance and increase the levels of participation and growth in the financial sector. In order to fulfill the specific objectives, a strategic situational diagnosis of the Cooperative was carried out; As the first objective expressed in its strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and institutional threats, in order to know the current situation, tending to find the reference point for the formulation of the Strategic Plan 2017-2021; Strategic plans of action for the financial institution (vision, mission, principles, values, policies, strategic objectives, strategies and activities) were designed as the second objective, and finally, for the third objective, a budget was prepared for the implementation of the strategic plan of action. The entity, which helped determine the amount of investment required for the implementation of the proposed strategies. The applied methodology served to define, classify, describe and identify the main problems, which emerged from the analysis of internal and external factors, thereby establishing the entity's Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats; The collection of information through the application of an interview conducted to the managers and officials, as well as a survey was made to the members of the Cooperative, which allowed to collect information and to know the current situation, in order to propose the Strategic Planning ; In addition, it was used in the elaboration of a proposal of alternative solutions through strategic plans directed to the problems encountered; To that end, it has begun with the redefinition of the Mission, Vision, Principles, Values and Policies, through questions that helped to diagnose the current state of this part of the institutional philosophy. Then, through the external and internal analysis, the key factors of success were identified, which were applied the methodology of matrices of qualification and 5 weighting, with the purpose of transforming the qualitative into quantitative. Likewise, the SWOT (Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats), EFE (External Factors Evaluation), EFI (Internal Factors Assessment), MPEC (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) matrices were used; And, the techniques of financial analysis to determine the main economic factors of the Cooperative. As a result of the application of the Matrices we obtained the most weighted strategies among them: Train the staff; Conduct a results-based management system; Establish advertising plans; Implement new financial products and services; Diversify sources of financing; Implement state-of-the-art technology; And finally, have strategic alliances. As part of this research, the annual plan and operational plan of the strategic plan for the Institution is presented, which includes the annual activities for a better performance in the functions and improvement of the service provided by the financial institution. Finally, it can be noted that the Cooperative has not achieved a significant growth of its assets and runs the risk of becoming a savings bank, according to the rules and policies established by the SEPS. Lately, the Cooperative lacks a strategic plan that allows it to make long-term decisions.
dc.descriptionSe elaboró un modelo de plan estratégico, cuya aplicación es para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Sindicato de Choferes Profesionales del Cantón Yanzatza, Provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, Período 2017 – 2021, con la finalidad de dar alternativa de solución a los directivos de la entidad y lograr rentabilidad, eficiencia competitiva y servir como herramienta financiera de apoyo, que aporte positivamente en las diferentes áreas de la institución; además, de mejorar su desempeño e incrementar los niveles de participación y crecimiento en el sector financiero. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos específicos se realizó un diagnóstico situacional estratégico de la Cooperativa; como primer objetivo expresado en sus fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas institucionales, con el fin de conocer la situación actual, tendiente a encontrar el punto de referencia para la formulación del Plan Estratégico 2017-2021; como segundo objetivo se diseñó planes de acción estratégicos para la institución financiera (visión, misión, principios, valores, políticas, objetivos estratégicos, estrategias y actividades), y finalmente, para el tercer objetivo se elaboró un presupuesto para la ejecución del plan estratégico de la entidad, el cual ayudo a determinar el monto de la inversión que se requiere para la implementación de las estrategias propuestas. La metodología aplicada sirvió para definir, clasificar, describir e identificar los principales problemas, los mismos que surgieron del análisis de los factores internos y externos estableciendo, con ello las Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades y Amenazas de la entidad; de la recopilación de información mediante la aplicación de una entrevista realizada a los directivos y funcionarios, así como también se efectuó una encuesta a los socios de la Cooperativa lo que permitió recolectar información y conocer la situación actual, con el fin de proponer la Planeación Estratégica; además, se empleó en la elaboración de una propuesta de alternativas de solución a través de planes estratégicos dirigidos a los problemas encontrados; para ello, se ha iniciado con la redefinición de la Misión, Visión, Principios, Valores y Políticas, por medio de preguntas que ayudaron a diagnosticar el estado actual de esta parte de la filosofía institucional.
dc.publisherLoja 28 de noviembre
dc.titlePlaneación Estratégica para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Sindicato de Choferes Profesionales del Cantón Yanzatza, Provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, Período 2017 – 2021

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