dc.contributorBurneo Álvarez, Edgar Mauricio
dc.creatorCuenca Granda, María del Cisne
dc.descriptionQuilanga began his political life as of November 8, 1989, while avocados stands out as one of the oldest courts of the country, since its cantonización date is June 25, 1824. The electorate for the process Quilanga 2014 were 4352 inhabitants, while avocados are 19271 inhabitants. Jurisdictions that in recent elections have been influenced by events like the Electoral undemocratic Hauling in that reason a critical analysis of this event, the degree of involvement of the latter in representative democracy is consolidated cantons. The present work has as general objective, identify the causes and effects of Electoral Hauling in Quilanga and avocados cantons during the 2014 regional elections, in the political, economic and social spheres. Changes in voting address is the crucial stage in the process to choose the right candidate as a representative of the masses, here the justification of this analysis, which not only seeks to meet the objectives but also articulate the link between exercise citizen and political rights, participation and commitment, and especially volunteer building a better welfare. Address changes in the province of Loja in 2014 was of 9663 inhabitants, of which 527 were rejected in the two cantons, mostly as a result of the implementation of audit processes developed by the National Electoral Council action taken when it became apparent that voters did not live in the jurisdiction, and most have not been conducted verification processes in previous elections.The electoral law was susceptible of many modifications from 2009 to 2014, about the requirements and procedures for changes in voting address, in order to regulate, ensure and consolidate representative democracy in the country, however the change of address to influence the outcome becomes a means to power, so that candidates (a) and voters unethical and against the poor control of the National Electoral Council, generates effects disinterest of voters in the process, given that the results are not legitimate legally proclaimed. Well as resources and sources of work it focuses on non-originating people of the area, promoting the migration of its inhabitants by escazas sources of employment. Education in democratic rights of citizens by age, whose main objective is to form and consolidate a critical and participatory elector thought in your jurisdiction. So also it arises as a proposal to form a civil court for residency verification or linking voter to the new electoral jurisdiction.
dc.descriptionAnálisis del Acarreo Electoral en el Proceso de Elecciones Seccionales 2014 y su Influencia en los Cantones Quilanga y Paltas desarrollados por el Consejo Nacional Electoral , acción tomada al evidenciarse que los electores no vivían en la jurisdicción, y más aún no se han realizado procesos de verificación en los anteriores procesos electorales. La normativa electoral ha sido susceptible de múltiples modificaciones desde el 2009 al 2014, acerca de los requisitos y procedimientos para los cambios de domicilio electoral, con el objetivo de regular, garantizar y consolidar la democracia representativa en el país, sin embargo los cambios de domicilio para influenciar en el resultado se constituye en un medio para lograr el poder, es así que los candidatos(a) y electores ante un escaso control del Consejo Nacional Electoral, genera efectos como el desinterés de los electores en el proceso, en vista que los resultados legalmente proclamados no son legítimos. Así también los recursos y fuentes de trabajo se concentra en personas no originarias de la zona, impulsando la migración de sus pobladores por las escazas fuentes de empleo. Una educación en derechos democráticos a los ciudadanos por edades, cuyo principal objetivo es formar y consolidar un elector con pensamiento crítico y participativo en su jurisdicción. Así también se plantea como propuesta conformar un tribunal civil, para la verificación de residencia o vinculación del elector a la nueva jurisdicción electoral.
dc.format84 p.
dc.publisherLoja, 11 de agosto
dc.titleAnálisis del Acarreo Electoral en el Proceso de Elecciones Seccionales 2014 y su Influencia en los Cantones Quilanga y Paltas

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