dc.contributorÁlava Atiencie, Nubia Gabriela
dc.creatorCordero Sanmartín, Iván Fabricio
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to measure the perception of the members of the parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments of the canton of Cuenca regarding the application of participatory budgets as a participation mechanism. For this purpose, a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) was used, which allowed the application of surveys and interviews as data collection techniques. Statistical techniques and content analysis were applied to analyze the information. These were applied to a representative and convenient sample. The results show that the members of the GADs perceive that there is a high level of compliance with the processes of planning, execution and fulfillment of the participatory budgets. Regarding the differences in the perception of the planning, execution and fulfillment of participatory budgets, according to sex, the results show that there are no differences between women and men, since they consider that the application is efficient, without questioning gender issues due to the lack of knowledge about the impact that participatory budgets have on people's lives in a differentiated manner. Finally, regarding budget allocation according to the size of the sub-national governments, participatory budgets are a positive alternative to guarantee the execution of priority works. Among the strategies, the need for joint, coordinated, professional work between the GADs and the communities prevails, generating actions oriented to training, education and information. In conclusion, the parish GADs face great challenges to overcome the limitations in terms of knowledge, motivation and willingness on the part of the community and the authorities in a context where democracy feels weaker every day
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectAdministración pública
dc.subjectPlanificación estatal
dc.titleAnálisis de la aplicación de presupuestos participativos desde la percepción de Juntas Parroquiales del cantón Cuenca

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