dc.contributorVásquez Guevara, Denisse Helena
dc.creatorGuanoluisa Sarango, Sofía Gabriela
dc.description.abstractClimate change and the destruction of ecosystems is one of the most concerning contemporary issues. However, among the strategies to sustain the environmental impact, international organizations such as the United Nations consider environmental education and communication as key strategies for the preservation of natural resources. This intervention project "Environmental Awareness Education Campaign at the Cuenca’s Stiehle German High School" was created with the main objectives to present the educational program Small Scientists in the School – PCE (Spanish acronyms), project of the German High School of Cuenca, through the implementation of a digital communication plan for the project designed to increase the impact of the PCE program on its students, which in turn are its main audience. For this project, the proactive - relational digital communication strategy was implemented and the Nacion Verde environmental awareness campaign was implemented. This communication plan was implemented during 2 months in 3 educational units in the Cuenca Canton of the Azuay Province. It should be emphasized that after its implementation the tree most important results was, this project identified the social networks and the most optimal communication system for the PCE, in turn the teaching activities with the greatest impact on students for subsequent interventions and a publication system was generated with clear guidelines for the coverage of project in the future.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectComunicación Social
dc.subjectInclusión social
dc.subjectComunicación medioambiental
dc.titleCampaña educomunicacional de concientización medioambiental en el colegio Alemán Stiehle de Cuenca

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