Artigo de periódico
Single event transients in logic circuits - load and propagation induced pulse broadening
Wirth, Gilson Inacio
Kastensmidt, Fernanda Gusmão de Lima
Ribeiro, Ivandro da Silva
The generation and propagation of single event transients (SET) in logic gate chains is studied and modeled. Regarding SET generation, we investigate the dependence of the generated SET pulse width on the struck node capacitance. Rising node capacitance may lead to amplified pulse width, indicating that increasing load capacitance alone is not an option for radiation hardening. SET propagation in logic chains is also studied, and it is shown that significant broadening or attenuation of the propagated transient pulse width may be observed. It is shown that the chain design (propagation delay of high to low and low to high transitions) has a major impact on broadening or attenuation of the propagated transient pulse. For the first time a suitable model for SET broadening is provided.