dc.contributorChancusig Chisag, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorMuñoz Arias, Andrés Marcelo
dc.creatorPérez Albán, Eduardo Gabriel
dc.identifierMuñoz Arias, Andrés Marcelo. Pérez Albán, Eduardo Gabriel (2017). El aprendizaje invisible. Educación Básica. UTC. Latacunga. 78 p.
dc.descriptionThis below research was developed at “Antonio Carrillo Moscoso” Elementary school in San Andres´ parish, Pillaro canton, Tungurahua province, the invisible learning implementation within the teaching students process of third year general unified high school and what are the benefits that brings this new teaching methodology. Teachers are unaware about this new type of education was found in it, without using it as learning means for students learning subjects development; this also showed that this type of learning is not properly socialized to teachers, so does not allow to implement different tools that are commonly used in this process. Bibliographical and analytical studios were used in this study helping to analyze the theoretical principles and concepts that are on the invisible learning and what are the benefits of being applied within education; the field research was another essential method that helped to study the knowledge of this methodology directly within the institution. In this context, was able to analyze that information and communication technologies plays an important role in this type of learning to assist in the students training, this is a method for students teachers showed by distractor that does not often use this medium.
dc.descriptionLa investigación mostrada a continuación realizada en la Unidad Educativa “Antonio Carrillo Moscoso” del cantón Píllaro provincia de Tungurahua parroquia San Andrés, estudia la aplicación del aprendizaje invisible dentro del proceso de enseñanza a los estudiantes de tercer año de bachillerato general unificado y cuáles son los beneficios que trae consigo esta nueva metodología de enseñanza. En este estudio se pudo constatar que los docentes desconocen de este nuevo tipo de enseñanza, sin utilizarlo como medio de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de sus materias y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes; esto también mostró que este tipo de aprendizaje no se encuentra debidamente socializado a los docentes, por lo que no permite implementar instrumentos de trabajo distintos a los empleados comúnmente dentro de este proceso....
dc.format78 p.
dc.publisherLATACUNGA / UTC / 2017
dc.titleEl aprendizaje invisible

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