Biological aspects in the anaerobic digestion of the fish industry wastewater

dc.creatorLópez-Anchundia, Eduardo
dc.creatorMorales-Paredes, Edwin
dc.creatorAlvarado-Zambrano, Sandy
dc.descriptionLa industria procesadora de pescado genera residuales con alto grado de contaminación en volúmenes considerablemente altos. Diversos reportes investigativos demuestran que las aguas residuales son vertidas en el mar sin tratamiento de remediación, por lo cual se afecta directamente la vida de las especies biológicas que habitan en medios acuíferos. Los tratamientos biológicos son procesos que permiten remover la carga contaminante de los residuales, sin embargo, entre ellos, la digestión anaerobia es la tecnología que genera mayores rendimientos y tolerancia a las características de las aguas residuales de esa industria. Por lo tanto, la presente investigación, consiste en la divulgación de tecnologías biológicas y aspectos operacionales de los tratamientos que han probado su efectividad sobre este residuo. Rendimientos de hasta el 95% de remoción de la demanda química de oxígeno sustentan la aplicación de esta tecnología en nuestro medio y sugieren que la combinación con tratamientos primarios y terciarios como la coagulación-floculación y adsorción permitiría generar un efluente que cumpla con las normativas ambientales para descargar el residuo en cuerpos hídricos sin alterar los ecosistemas. Palabras clave: Industria pesquera; aguas residuales; contaminación; ecosistemas; biotratamientos. Abstract The fish processing industry generates waste with a high degree of contamination in considerable volumes. Various research reports show that wastewater is discharged into the sea without remediation treatment, so that the life of biological species that live in aquatic environments is directly affected. Biological treatments are processes that allow the removal of the contaminant load of the residuals, however, among them, anaerobic digestion is the technology that generates higher yields and tolerance to the characteristics of the wastewater of that industry. Therefore, the present investigation consists in the dissemination of biological technologies and operational aspects of the treatments that have proven their effectiveness on this residue. Yields of up to 95% of chemical oxygen demand removal support the application of this technology in our environment and suggest that the combination with primary and tertiary treatments such as coagulation-flocculation and adsorption would allow to generate an effluent that complies with environmental regulations to discharge the waste in water bodies without altering the ecosystems. Keywords: Fish industry; wastewater; contamination; ecosystems; biotreatments. Fecha de recepción: 14 de mayo del 2019; Fecha de aceptación: 08 de julio del 2019; Fecha de publicación: 09 de julio del
dc.descriptionThe fish processing industry generates waste with a high degree of contamination in considerable volumes. Various research reports show that wastewater is discharged into the sea without remediation treatment, so that the life of biological species that live in aquatic environments is directly affected. Biological treatments are processes that allow the removal of the contaminant load of the residuals, however, among them, anaerobic digestion is the technology that generates higher yields and tolerance to the characteristics of the wastewater of that industry. Therefore, the present investigation consists in the dissemination of biological technologies and operational aspects of the treatments that have proven their effectiveness on this residue. Yields of up to 95% of chemical oxygen demand removal support the application of this technology in our environment and suggest that the combination with primary and tertiary treatments such as coagulation-flocculation and adsorption would allow to generate an effluent that complies with environmental regulations to discharge the waste in water bodies without altering the ecosystems. Keywords: Fish industry; wastewater; contamination; ecosystems; biotreatments.en-US
dc.publisherEditorial Universitario ULEAMes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2019 Revista de Ciencias del Mar y Acuicultura YAKUes-ES
dc.sourceRevista de Ciencias del Mar y Acuicultura YAKU. ISSN: 2600-5824.; Vol 2 No 4 (2019): Revista de Ciencias del Mar y Acuicultura YAKU; 20-27en-US
dc.sourceRevista de Ciencias del Mar y Acuicultura YAKU. ISSN: 2600-5824.; Vol. 2 Núm. 4 (2019): Revista de Ciencias del Mar y Acuicultura YAKU; 20-27es-ES
dc.titleAspectos biológicos en la digestión anaerobia de las aguas residuales de la industria pesqueraes-ES
dc.titleBiological aspects in the anaerobic digestion of the fish industry wastewateren-US
dc.typeArtículo revisado por pareses-ES

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