Proposal for an environmental management plan in the Manabí Military Fort, Ecuador

dc.creatorTamayo-Bravo, Thalía Jacqueline
dc.descriptionEl estudio de impacto ambiental es el procedimiento que ayuda a identificar, evaluar y describir los impactos ambientales que genera cualquier actividad productiva, económica o social. El presente estudio ambiental estuvo orientado en identificar los principales impactos ambientales que genera las operaciones del Fuerte Militar Manabí y establecer una propuesta de plan de manejo para cada una de las actividades que puedan ocasionar un impacto. Se realizó el levantamiento de información de línea base, así como también se determinó las áreas de influencia directa e indirecta, y a partir de esta información recopilada se desarrolló un Plan de Manejo Ambiental para el grupo de caballería Mecanizada “Tnte. Hugo Ortiz” perteneciente al Fuerte Militar Manabí, con sus respectivas medidas ambientales. La identificación y evaluación de los impactos ambientales fueron realizadas mediante la utilización de matrices Causa – Efecto, determinando 33 impactos ambientales negativos, 7 positivos y 40 impactos despreciables en relación a los factores del entorno en que se desarrollan. Finalmente, la generación de un Plan de Manejo Ambiental que consta de 9 sub planes que ayudarán a la mitigación prevención y corrección de los impactos ambientales generados por las actividades que se desarrollan dentro del fuerte elaborados mediante indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos siempre con concordancia a las normativas ambientales vigentes. Palabras Claves: Impacto ambiental, prevención, normativas. Abstract The study of Environmental Impact is a procedure that helps to identify, evaluate and describe the environmental impacts generated by any productive, economic or social activity. The present environmental study was aimed at identifying the main environmental impacts generated by the operations of the Manabí Military Fort and establishing a management plan proposal for each of the activities that may cause an impact. The survey of baseline information was carried out, as well as direct and indirect areas of influence were determined, and from this gathered information an Environmental Management Plan was developed for the mechanized cavalry group "Tnte. Hugo Ortiz "belonging to the Manabí Military Fort, with its respective environmental measures. The identification and evaluation of the environmental impacts were made using Cause - Effect matrix, determining 33 negative environmental impacts 7 positive and 40 negligible impacts in relation to the environmental factors in which they are developed. Finally, the generation of an Environmental Management Plan that consists of 9 sub-plans that will help mitigate prevention and correction of the environmental impacts generated by the activities carried out within the fort, elaborated by quantitative and qualitative indicators, always in accordance current with environmental regulations. Keywords: Environmental impact, prevention, regulations. Fecha de recepción: 19 de noviembre de 2017; Fecha de aceptación: 06 de enero de 2018; Fecha de publicación: 09 de enero de
dc.descriptionThe study of Environmental Impact is a procedure that helps to identify, evaluate and describe the environmental impacts generated by any productive, economic or social activity. The present environmental study was aimed at identifying the main environmental impacts generated by the operations of the Manabí Military Fort and establishing a management plan proposal for each of the activities that may cause an impact. The survey of baseline information was carried out, as well as direct and indirect areas of influence were determined, and from this gathered information an Environmental Management Plan was developed for the mechanized cavalry group "Tnte. Hugo Ortiz "belonging to the Manabí Military Fort, with its respective environmental measures. The identification and evaluation of the environmental impacts were made using Cause - Effect matrix, determining 33 negative environmental impacts 7 positive and 40 negligible impacts in relation to the environmental factors in which they are developed. Finally, the generation of an Environmental Management Plan that consists of 9 sub-plans that will help mitigate prevention and correction of the environmental impacts generated by the activities carried out within the fort, elaborated by quantitative and qualitative indicators, always in accordance current with environmental regulations. Keywords: Environmental impact, prevention, regulations.en-US
dc.publisherEditorial Universitaria ULEAMes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2018 Revista de Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPAes-ES
dc.sourceRevista de Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883.; Vol. 1 Núm. 1 (2018): Revista de Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA; 2-13es-ES
dc.sourceRevista de Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883.; Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Revista de Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA; 2-13en-US
dc.titlePropuesta de un plan de manejo ambiental en el Fuerte Militar Manabí, Ecuadores-ES
dc.titleProposal for an environmental management plan in the Manabí Military Fort, Ecuadoren-US
dc.typeArtículo revisado por pareses-ES

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