dc.contributorDaza Suárez, Sandra Karina
dc.creatorOchoa Rosales, Melissa Fernanda
dc.descriptionhe present work aims to identify the type of treatment used by the online radio Xtrema of the Balzar canton in journalistic information. Different investigations, approaches and studies carried out by other researchers are discussed, as well as updated tools for the development of treatment, important topics on strategies to deal with content with cases of natural disasters, due to the fact that currently communication companies such as Online radios have a large population reach due to the easy access of users to connect through electronic devices to these media that provide immediate information due to the implementation of the Internet, which has implied greater speed to share information through their web pages and also significantly influence in the opinions of people, therefore a good journalistic treatment of information plays a fundamental role in the perception of reality by citizens. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of modern radios are raised to provide a better focus on this research. In order to obtain efficient and reliable results, a type of qualitative and field research was chosen, also applying three important methods: analytical, inductive and deductive, in order to know with total transparency the reality of radio Xtrema, a personal interview was applied to the manager of this means of communication, in order to solve the problems raised, among the conclusions it was learned that the online radio Xtrema does not have a specific or adequate type of treatment to transmit information, in addition they need to implement news software tools that allow them to classify the real information from the false ones, audience analysis tools and a content management system.
dc.descriptionhe present work aims to identify the type of treatment used by the online radio Xtrema of the Balzar canton in journalistic information. Different investigations, approaches and studies carried out by other researchers are discussed, as well as updated tools for the development of treatment, important topics on strategies to deal with content with cases of natural disasters, due to the fact that currently communication companies such as Online radios have a large population reach due to the easy access of users to connect through electronic devices to these media that provide immediate information due to the implementation of the Internet, which has implied greater speed to share information through their web pages and also significantly influence in the opinions of people, therefore a good journalistic treatment of information plays a fundamental role in the perception of reality by citizens. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of modern radios are raised to provide a better focus on this research. In order to obtain efficient and reliable results, a type of qualitative and field research was chosen, also applying three important methods: analytical, inductive and deductive, in order to know with total transparency the reality of radio Xtrema, a personal interview was applied to the manager of this means of communication, in order to solve the problems raised, among the conclusions it was learned that the online radio Xtrema does not have a specific or adequate type of treatment to transmit information, in addition they need to implement news software tools that allow them to classify the real information from the false ones, audience analysis tools and a content management system.
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar el tipo de tratamiento utilizado por la radio online Xtrema del cantón Balzar en las informaciones periodísticas. Se tratan diferentes investigaciones, enfoques y estudios realizados por otros investigadores, además se describen las herramientas actualizadas para el desarrollo del tratamiento, temas importantes sobre estrategias para tratar contenidos con casos de desastres naturales, debido a que en la actualidad las empresas de comunicación como las radios online tienen un gran alcance poblacional debido al fácil acceso de los usuarios de conectarse a través de dispositivos electrónicos a estos medios que proveen información inmediata por la implementación del internet, que ha implicado mayor rapidez para compartir información mediante sus páginas web y además influyen significativamente en las opiniones de las personas, por ende un buen tratamiento periodístico a las informaciones juega un papel fundamental en la percepción de la realidad por parte de los ciudadanos. Además se plantean las ventajas y desventajas de las radios modernas para brindar un mejor enfoque sobre esta investigación. Para obtener resultados eficientes y confiables se optó por un tipo de investigación cualitativa y de campo, aplicando además tres métodos importantes el analítico, inductivo y deductivo, para poder conocer con total trasparencia la realidad de la radio Xtrema se aplicó una entrevista personal al gerente de este medio de comunicación, para mediante esto dar solución a los problemas planteados, entre las conclusiones se conoció que la radio online Xtrema no cuenta con un tipo de tratamiento determinado ni adecuado para trasmitir información, además les hace falta implementar herramientas de software de noticias que les permita clasificar la información real de las falsas, herramientas de análisis de audiencia y un sistema de gestión de contenidos.
dc.format39 P
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador

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