dc.contributorMejia G, Adriana
dc.creatorRodriguez Briones, Dayana Isabel
dc.descriptionThis work seeks to contribute to the prevention and control of leaf hopping in sugar cane crops, since it is not only a part of Ecuador's economy and its international trade relations, but also in the diet of its inhabitants and because it generates sources of employment. The characteristics of leaf hopping and the damage it can cause the fungus that can be produced to the crop and the control methods that can be used will be discussed. Some producers consider it an unimportant pest but it can cause great losses in terms of yield because it attacks the leaf area of the plant. One of the controls that has no cost and is one of the lowest in leaf hopper population is the biological one. The form of attack of this insect begins from its state of nymph until it becomes an adult sucking the sap from the leaves causing weakness in the plants, yellowing of the leaves, low photosynthetic capacity and therefore low productivity.
dc.descriptionThis work seeks to contribute to the prevention and control of leaf hopping in sugar cane crops, since it is not only a part of Ecuador's economy and its international trade relations, but also in the diet of its inhabitants and because it generates sources of employment. The characteristics of leaf hopping and the damage it can cause the fungus that can be produced to the crop and the control methods that can be used will be discussed. Some producers consider it an unimportant pest but it can cause great losses in terms of yield because it attacks the leaf area of the plant. One of the controls that has no cost and is one of the lowest in leaf hopper population is the biological one. The form of attack of this insect begins from its state of nymph until it becomes an adult sucking the sap from the leaves causing weakness in the plants, yellowing of the leaves, low photosynthetic capacity and therefore low productivity.
dc.descriptionEste trabajo busca ser un aporte para los cañicultores en la prevención y control del salta hojas en los cultivos de caña de azúcar ya que no solo es un rubro más de la economía del Ecuador y sus relaciones comerciales a nivel internacional, sino también en el régimen alimenticio de sus habitantes y porque genera fuentes de empleos. Se abordaran las características del salta hojas y los daños que puede causar, el hongo que se puede producir al cultivo y los métodos de control que se puede utilizar. Algunos productores consideran que es una plaga sin importancia pero puede ocasionar grandes pérdidas en cuanto a rendimiento porque atacan el área foliar de la planta. Uno de los controles que no tienen costo alguno y es uno de los que más baja la población del salta hojas es el biológico. La forma de ataque de este insecto comienza desde su estado de ninfa hasta convertirse en adulto succionando la sabia de las hojas causando debilidad en las plantas, amurallamiento de las hojas, baja capacidad fotosintética y por ende baja productividad.
dc.format19 p.
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectCaña de azúcar
dc.subjectSalta hojas
dc.subjectManejo integrado
dc.titleManejo integrado del salta hojas (Perkinsiella saccharicida), en el cultivo de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum

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