dc.contributorHaz Cadena, Yomara Paola
dc.creatorMiranda Pincay, Manuel De Jesús
dc.descriptionThe present case study that is going to be carried out in the “San Antonio” savings and credit cooperative of the city of Vinces, consists of the subjetc of credit portfolio in the period 2020-2021, the credit Portfolio is the most important and indispensable since it is income of any financial institution, especially for the savings and credit cooperative, the same ones that must promote collections offered to short, médium and long-term clients and as priority, find a way to recover credit portfolios, although the institution must implement a mechanism to know the member´s ability to pay in order to anticípate that in future terms they will not be able to cancel and. In turn, prevent an increase in delinquency due to payment that has not been paid. The passage of time causes both the risk and delinquency of the member to increase,attracting judicialization processes. It is important to emphasize that the cooperative must recognize and visit the homes of both the debtor member and his guarantor and also manage collection efforts. In the country´s economy,savings and credit coopertives are important for all citizens since they grant loans to various sectors to improve the lives of families, organizations and financial institutions, cooperatives arrive where there are fewer economic resources, they exist with accessibility fast concise and precise when offering the service. The analysis of this case study will allow to know the destinations of credit, collection processes and anticípate future late áyment and observe the position of the cooperative in the function of its admnistration has benn correct.
dc.descriptionThe present case study that is going to be carried out in the “San Antonio” savings and credit cooperative of the city of Vinces, consists of the subjetc of credit portfolio in the period 2020-2021, the credit Portfolio is the most important and indispensable since it is income of any financial institution, especially for the savings and credit cooperative, the same ones that must promote collections offered to short, médium and long-term clients and as priority, find a way to recover credit portfolios, although the institution must implement a mechanism to know the member´s ability to pay in order to anticípate that in future terms they will not be able to cancel and. In turn, prevent an increase in delinquency due to payment that has not been paid. The passage of time causes both the risk and delinquency of the member to increase,attracting judicialization processes. It is important to emphasize that the cooperative must recognize and visit the homes of both the debtor member and his guarantor and also manage collection efforts. In the country´s economy,savings and credit coopertives are important for all citizens since they grant loans to various sectors to improve the lives of families, organizations and financial institutions, cooperatives arrive where there are fewer economic resources, they exist with accessibility fast concise and precise when offering the service. The analysis of this case study will allow to know the destinations of credit, collection processes and anticípate future late áyment and observe the position of the cooperative in the function of its admnistration has benn correct.
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio de caso que se va a realizar en la Cooperativa de ahorro y crédito “San Antonio” de la Ciudad de Vinces, consta del tema cartera de crédito en el periodo 2020-2021, la cartera de crédito es lo más importante e indispensable ya que es el ingreso de toda institución financiera en especial para la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito las mismas que deben fomentar cobros ofrecidos a los clientes de corto, mediano y largo plazo y de prioridad buscar la manera de recuperar las carteras de créditos aunque la institución deben implementar mecanismo para conocer la capacidad que tenga de pago el socio para anticiparse que a plazos futuros no puedan cancelar y a su vez impedir se dé un aumento de morosidad por el pago que no se ha cancelado. El paso del tiempo ocasiona tanto como el riesgo y la morosidad del socio aumenten con la cual atraen a procesos judicialización es importante recalcar que la cooperativa debe reconocer y visitar a los domicilios tanto como el socio deudor como su garante y asimismo administrar gestiones de cobranzas. En la economía del País las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito son importantes para todos los ciudadanos ya que ellas otorgan créditos a diversos sectores para mejorar la vida de las familia, organizaciones e instituciones financieras, las cooperativas llegan donde existen menos recursos económicos existen con una accesibilidad rápida, concisa y precisa al ofrecer el servicio. El análisis de este estudio de caso permitirá conocer los destinos de crédito, procesos de cobros y anticiparse para una morosidad futura y observar la posición de la cooperativa en la función de su administración ha sido correcta.
dc.format35 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectCartera de Crédito
dc.titleCartera de crédito en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “San Antonio”, agencia vinces en el periodo 2020-2021.

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