dc.contributorSanchez, Carlos
dc.creatorDe La Paz Gonzabay, Bryan Vicente
dc.descriptionThe purpose of the following work was to analyze the communication process in virtual education within the social communication career of the UTB, to achieve this it was carried out in a "case study", which will allow us to investigate the forms used for interaction and communication in the virtual environment during the academic period. After a review within the field of communication on the subject, this case study discusses some aspects that facilitate the communicative process and the construction of collaborative learning in a virtual environment. Communication and interaction seeks to promote the stimulation of a learning process, while recognizing that the virtual classroom is at a disadvantage in relation to the face-to-face classroom given that the communication possibilities we have when we can interact face to face with the participants in the educational environment . In the virtual environment, communication promotes the development of learning, which favors students when establishing common goals, interaction between groups, strengthening interpersonal relationships that develop within the classroom. The purpose of the work is to design an improvement in the communication process in the virtual education of the social communication career at the UTB, to achieve it, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used.
dc.descriptionThe purpose of the following work was to analyze the communication process in virtual education within the social communication career of the UTB, to achieve this it was carried out in a "case study", which will allow us to investigate the forms used for interaction and communication in the virtual environment during the academic period. After a review within the field of communication on the subject, this case study discusses some aspects that facilitate the communicative process and the construction of collaborative learning in a virtual environment. Communication and interaction seeks to promote the stimulation of a learning process, while recognizing that the virtual classroom is at a disadvantage in relation to the face-to-face classroom given that the communication possibilities we have when we can interact face to face with the participants in the educational environment . In the virtual environment, communication promotes the development of learning, which favors students when establishing common goals, interaction between groups, strengthening interpersonal relationships that develop within the classroom. The purpose of the work is to design an improvement in the communication process in the virtual education of the social communication career at the UTB, to achieve it, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used.
dc.descriptionEl siguiente trabajo tuvo como finalidad analizar el proceso de comunicación en la educación virtual dentro de la carrera de comunicación social de la UTB, para lograrlo se realizó en “estudio de caso”, a cual nos permitirá investigar las formas que se utilizan para la interacción y comunicación en el entorno virtual durante el período académico. Luego de una revisión dentro de campo de la comunicación sobre el tema, este estudio de caso discute algunos aspectos que facilitan el proceso comunicativo y la construcción del aprendizaje colaborativo en un entorno virtual. La comunicación y la interacción busca fomentar la estimulación de un proceso de aprendizaje, sin dejar de reconocer que el aula virtual está en desventaja con relación al aula presencial dado que las posibilidades comunicativas que tenemos cuando podemos interactuar cara a cara con los participantes del entorno educativo. En el entorno virtual, la comunicación promueve el desarrollo del aprendizaje, lo que favorece a los estudiantes a la hora de establecer metas comunes, interacción entre grupo, fortaleciendo las relaciones interpersonales que se desarrollan dentro del aula. El propósito del trabajo es diseñar una mejoría en el proceso de comunicación en la educación virtual de la carrera de comunicación social en la UTB, para lograr el mismo se utilizó las metodologías tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas.
dc.format37 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectMedios virtuales
dc.subjectRelación interpersonal
dc.titleEl proceso comunicativo en la educación virtual en la carrera de Comunicación Social de la UTB

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