dc.contributorTobar Vera, Jorge Washington
dc.creatorGutierrez Nagua, Paola Mariana
dc.descriptionThe purpose of the review and exhaustive study of the literature in this document is to demonstrate the use of cannabis oil as an adjuvant in the treatment of the main diseases that affect felines, considering and categorizing some diseases there are two that have been Presenting very continuous at present and that treating them is being a clinical feat due to the complexity of these, such as asthma and cancer in felines. Cannabinoids as a natural alternative are taking a great force in general and veterinary medicine, as cannabis-derived products have become more available for medical and recreational use in humans, veterinarians are seeing more positive cases when risking for use of cannabidiol (CBD) in pets, commonly using (CBD) which is an oil extracted from the Cannabis seed. The great potential of medicinal cannabis, because it preserves bronchodilator and immunomodulatory properties, which are the main objectives of the treatment of feline asthma. To incorporate the use of phytocannabinoids into this therapy, a brief mention of some basic concepts is made. It is known that all vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system (SEC), consisting of receptors (CB1 and CB2), endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids: anandamide and 2AG) and degradation enzymes, the SEC is of great importance for the modulation function of the organism. Phytocannabinoids are derived from the plant, Cannabis sativa, the two most studied are CBD and THC, these interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors (Jhon J. Betancurt 2020). Due to the little evidence and lack of literature on analysis and clinical trials on the therapeutic action of CBD in feline medicine, it has not been possible to establish a correct dosage, it is of vital importance that pharmaceutical sponsors begin with the development of a drug and research of the active substance to determine its therapeutic potential in the veterinary field. In the few clinical case studies carried out, they show the great potential of medicinal cannabis, because it retains bronchodilator and immunomodulatory properties, which are the main objectives of the treatment of feline asthma. To incorporate the use of phytocannabinoids into this therapy, a brief mention of some basic concepts is made.
dc.descriptionThe purpose of the review and exhaustive study of the literature in this document is to demonstrate the use of cannabis oil as an adjuvant in the treatment of the main diseases that affect felines, considering and categorizing some diseases there are two that have been Presenting very continuous at present and that treating them is being a clinical feat due to the complexity of these, such as asthma and cancer in felines. Cannabinoids as a natural alternative are taking a great force in general and veterinary medicine, as cannabis-derived products have become more available for medical and recreational use in humans, veterinarians are seeing more positive cases when risking for use of cannabidiol (CBD) in pets, commonly using (CBD) which is an oil extracted from the Cannabis seed. The great potential of medicinal cannabis, because it preserves bronchodilator and immunomodulatory properties, which are the main objectives of the treatment of feline asthma. To incorporate the use of phytocannabinoids into this therapy, a brief mention of some basic concepts is made. It is known that all vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system (SEC), consisting of receptors (CB1 and CB2), endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids: anandamide and 2AG) and degradation enzymes, the SEC is of great importance for the modulation function of the organism. Phytocannabinoids are derived from the plant, Cannabis sativa, the two most studied are CBD and THC, these interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors (Jhon J. Betancurt 2020). Due to the little evidence and lack of literature on analysis and clinical trials on the therapeutic action of CBD in feline medicine, it has not been possible to establish a correct dosage, it is of vital importance that pharmaceutical sponsors begin with the development of a drug and research of the active substance to determine its therapeutic potential in the veterinary field. In the few clinical case studies carried out, they show the great potential of medicinal cannabis, because it retains bronchodilator and immunomodulatory properties, which are the main objectives of the treatment of feline asthma. To incorporate the use of phytocannabinoids into this therapy, a brief mention of some basic concepts is made.
dc.descriptionLa finalidad de la revisión y el estudio exhaustiva de literatura que tiene este documento es para demostrar el uso del aceite de cannabis como adyuvante en el tratamiento de las principales enfermedades que afectan a los felinos, considerando y categorizando algunas enfermedades hay dos que se han venido presentando muy continuo en la actualidad y que tratarlas está siendo toda una hazaña clínica por la complejidad de estas como lo son el asma y cáncer en felinos. Los Cannabinoides como alternativa natural están tomando una gran fuerza en la medicina general y veterinaria, a medida que los productos derivados del cannabis se han vuelto más disponibles para uso médico y recreativo en humanos, los veterinarios están viendo más casos positivos al arriesgarse por la utilización de cannabidiol (CBD) en mascotas, utilizando comúnmente el (CBD) que es un aceite extraído de la semilla de Cannabis. El gran potencial del cannabis medicinal, porque conserva propiedades broncodilatadoras e inmunomoduladoras, que son los principales objetivos del tratamiento del asma felino. Para incorporar el uso de fitocannabinoides a esta terapéutica, se hace una breve mención de algunos conceptos básicos. Se sabe que todos los vertebrados, cuentan con un sistema endocannabinoide (SEC), constituido por receptores (CB1 y CB2), ligandos endógenos (endocannabinoides: anandamida y 2AG) y enzimas de degradación, el SEC es de gran importancia para la función de modulación del organismo. Los fitocannabinoides son derivados de la planta, Cannabis sativa, los dos más estudiados son el CBD y el THC, estos interactúan con los receptores CB1 y CB2 (Jhon J. Betancurt 2020). Por la poca evidencia y falta de literatura sobre análisis y ensayos clínicos sobre la acción terapéutica del CBD en la medicina felina no se ha logrado establecer una posología correcta, es de vital importancia que los patrocinadores farmacéuticos empiecen con el desarrollo de un fármaco e investigación de la sustancia activa para determinar su potencial terapéutico en el ámbito veterinario. En los pocos estudios de casos clínicos realizados manifiestan el gran potencial del cannabis medicinal, porque conserva propiedades broncodilatadoras e inmunomoduladoras, que son los principales objetivos del tratamiento del asma felino. Para incorporar el uso de fitocannabinoides a esta terapéutica, se hace una breve mención de algunos conceptos básicos.
dc.format23 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleUso de cannabis como coadyuvante terapéutico en cancer y asma en felinos

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