dc.contributorLópez Izurieta, Marlon Darlin
dc.creatorLeón Soto, Carlos Alberto
dc.descriptionThe present experimental work was carried out on the grounds of the Experimental Farm "San Pablo" of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, located at Km 7 1/2 of the Babahoyo - Montalvo road, Los Ríos Province, with geographic coordinates 01º49` 15 ”south latitude and 79º32` west longitude; with a height of 8 m.s.n.m. The area has a humid tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 24.7 ° C; annual precipitation 1976 mm; relative humidity 85% and 998.2 hours of heliophany annual average. The graniferous sorghum variety, Hibrido, "Malón" was used as planting material. The proposed treatments consisted of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 270 kg / ha; 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha; 300 + 48 + 270 kg / ha; 300 + 48 + 330 kg / ha; Nitrogen in doses of 250 and 300 kg / ha; Phosphorus in a dose of 48 kg / ha; Potassium in doses of 270 and 330 kg / ha and an absolute witness without application of products. In the present trial, the experimental design “Complete Random Blocks” was used, with ten treatments and three repetitions and the statistical difference between the means of the treatments was determined with the Tukey test with 5% significance. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the sorghum culture responded favorably to the different levels of nitrogen, potassium in the Babahoyo area; in the evaluation carried out it was observed that the use of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha reached a higher percentage of chlorophyll with 39.2%; plant height, stem diameter, leaf area index, spike length and weight of 1000 grains showed excellent response with the application of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha; The highest grain yield was reported by the use of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha and reached a higher yield with 4010.8 kg / ha and According to the high production costs and depending on the cost of the fertilizer treatments, it was determined that the application of phosphorus in doses of 48 kg / ha reported higher net benefit with $ 341.60.
dc.descriptionThe present experimental work was carried out on the grounds of the Experimental Farm "San Pablo" of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, located at Km 7 1/2 of the Babahoyo - Montalvo road, Los Ríos Province, with geographic coordinates 01º49` 15 ”south latitude and 79º32` west longitude; with a height of 8 m.s.n.m. The area has a humid tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 24.7 ° C; annual precipitation 1976 mm; relative humidity 85% and 998.2 hours of heliophany annual average. The graniferous sorghum variety, Hibrido, "Malón" was used as planting material. The proposed treatments consisted of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 270 kg / ha; 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha; 300 + 48 + 270 kg / ha; 300 + 48 + 330 kg / ha; Nitrogen in doses of 250 and 300 kg / ha; Phosphorus in a dose of 48 kg / ha; Potassium in doses of 270 and 330 kg / ha and an absolute witness without application of products. In the present trial, the experimental design “Complete Random Blocks” was used, with ten treatments and three repetitions and the statistical difference between the means of the treatments was determined with the Tukey test with 5% significance. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the sorghum culture responded favorably to the different levels of nitrogen, potassium in the Babahoyo area; in the evaluation carried out it was observed that the use of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha reached a higher percentage of chlorophyll with 39.2%; plant height, stem diameter, leaf area index, spike length and weight of 1000 grains showed excellent response with the application of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha; The highest grain yield was reported by the use of Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium in doses of 250 + 48 + 330 kg / ha and reached a higher yield with 4010.8 kg / ha and According to the high production costs and depending on the cost of the fertilizer treatments, it was determined that the application of phosphorus in doses of 48 kg / ha reported higher net benefit with $ 341.60.
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo experimental se realizó en los terrenos de la Granja Experimental “San Pablo” de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, ubicada en el Km 7 1/2 de la vía Babahoyo – Montalvo, Provincia de los Ríos, con coordenadas geográficas 01º49` 15” latitud sur y 79º32` longitud oeste; con una altura de 8 m.s.n.m. La zona presenta un clima tropical húmedo, con una temperatura media anual de 24,7 °C; una precipitación anual 1976 mm; humedad relativa 85 % y 998,2 horas de heliofanía de promedio anual. Se empleó como material de siembra la variedad de sorgo granifero, Hibrido, “Malón”. Los tratamientos planteados estuvieron constituidos por Nitrógeno + Fosforo + Potasio en dosis de 250 + 48 + 270 kg/ha; 250 + 48 + 330 kg/ha; 300 + 48 + 270 kg/ha; 300 + 48 + 330 kg/ha; Nitrógeno en dosis de 250 y 300 kg/ha; Fosforo en dosis de 48 kg/ha; Potasio en dosis de 270 y 330 kg/ha y un testigo absoluto sin aplicación de productos. En el presente ensayo, se empleó el diseño experimental “Bloques Completos al Azar”, con diez tratamientos y tres repeticiones y la diferencia estadística entre las medias de los tratamientos se determinó con la prueba de Tukey con 5 % de significancia. Por los resultados obtenidos se determinó que el cultivo de sorgo respondió favorablemente a los diferentes niveles de nitrógeno, potasio en la zona de Babahoyo; en la evaluación efectuada se observó que el uso de Nitrógeno + Fosforo + Potasio en dosis de 250 + 48 + 330 kg/ha alcanzó mayor porcentaje de clorofila con 39,2 %; la altura de planta, diámetro del tallo, índice de área foliar, longitud de espiga y peso de 1000 granos demostraron excelente respuesta con la aplicación de Nitrógeno + Fosforo + Potasio en dosis de 250 + 48 + 330 kg/ha; el mayor rendimiento del grano lo reportó el uso de Nitrógeno + Fosforo + Potasio en dosis de 250 + 48 + 330 kg/ha alcanzó mayor rendimiento con 4010,8 kg/ha y De acuerdo a los elevados costos de producción y en función del costo de los tratamientos fertilizantes, se determinó que la aplicación de Fósforo en dosis de 48 kg/ha reportó mayor beneficio neto con $ 341,60.
dc.format51 p.
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleComportamiento agronómico del cultivo de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), sometido a diferentes niveles de nitrógeno y potasio en la zona de Babahoyo

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