dc.contributorRiccardi Palacios, Jhonny Gustavo
dc.creatorBrunis Proaño, Magaly Magdalena
dc.creatorRodríguez Chaux, Melisa Elizabeth
dc.descriptionIntroduction: The work responds to the need to investigate the influence that ametropias have on the work performance of Armed Forces personnel who attend the Ala de Combate No. 21 Health Center. Since these conditions are a public health problem worldwide and directly influence the quality of life of human beings. Objective: To determine the influence of ametropia on the work performance of Armed Forces personnel who attend the Ala de combate Nro.21 health center, Guayas - Yaguachi, December 2022- May 2023. Methodology: the present investigation, according to the level, responds to the descriptive one, is of an analytical cross-sectional type characterized by documentary and field design, and uses the deductive and inductive method with the use of observation, interview, analysis and visual evaluation techniques. Directly for the collection of the required information. Results: After the respective visual evaluation of each one of those involved in this research project, it was detected that 20% of those evaluated present myopia; 3% farsightedness; 3% astigmatism and 13%; 20% have myopia and astigmatism; 3% hyperopia with astigmatism; 7% myopia and presbyopia; 7% hyperopia and presbyopia; 3% astigmatism and presbyopia; 10% myopia, astigmatism and presbyopia, finally the remaining 10% present hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. Conclusion: The study shows that 100% of the population presented ametropia and indicated that during their work activities they experienced symptoms such as blurred vision near and far, distorted vision, headache, eye pain that directly influenced the fulfillment of their work activities, since that generates deconcentration, complexity, demotivation, fatigue among other factors that decrease work performance and does not allow 100% performance.
dc.descriptionIntroduction: The work responds to the need to investigate the influence that ametropias have on the work performance of Armed Forces personnel who attend the Ala de Combate No. 21 Health Center. Since these conditions are a public health problem worldwide and directly influence the quality of life of human beings. Objective: To determine the influence of ametropia on the work performance of Armed Forces personnel who attend the Ala de combate Nro.21 health center, Guayas - Yaguachi, December 2022- May 2023. Methodology: the present investigation, according to the level, responds to the descriptive one, is of an analytical cross-sectional type characterized by documentary and field design, and uses the deductive and inductive method with the use of observation, interview, analysis and visual evaluation techniques. Directly for the collection of the required information. Results: After the respective visual evaluation of each one of those involved in this research project, it was detected that 20% of those evaluated present myopia; 3% farsightedness; 3% astigmatism and 13%; 20% have myopia and astigmatism; 3% hyperopia with astigmatism; 7% myopia and presbyopia; 7% hyperopia and presbyopia; 3% astigmatism and presbyopia; 10% myopia, astigmatism and presbyopia, finally the remaining 10% present hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. Conclusion: The study shows that 100% of the population presented ametropia and indicated that during their work activities they experienced symptoms such as blurred vision near and far, distorted vision, headache, eye pain that directly influenced the fulfillment of their work activities, since that generates deconcentration, complexity, demotivation, fatigue among other factors that decrease work performance and does not allow 100% performance.
dc.descriptionIntroducción: El trabajo responde a la necesidad de investigar la influencia que tienen las ametropías en el rendimiento laboral del personal de las Fuerzas Armadas que asiste al Centro de salud Ala de Combate Nro. 21. Ya que estas afecciones son un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial e influyen directamente en la calidad de vida del ser humano. Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de las ametropías en el rendimiento laboral del personal de las Fuerzas Armadas que asisten al centro de salud Ala de combate Nro.21, Guayas - Yaguachi, Diciembre 2022- Mayo 2023. Metodología: la presente investigación según el nivel responde a la descriptiva es de tipo analítico de corte transversal caracterizada por de diseño documental y de campo, utiliza el método deductivo e inductivo con el uso de las técnicas de la observación, entrevista, análisis y evaluación visual directa para la recolección de la información requerida. Resultados : Después de la respectiva valoración visual a cada uno de los involucrados en este de proyecto de investigación se detectó que el 20% de los valorados presento miopía; el 3% hipermetropía; el 3% astigmatismo y el 13%; el 20% presento miopía y astigmatismo; el 3% hipermetropía con astigmatismo; el 7% miopía y presbicia; el 7% hipermetropía y presbicia; el 3% astigmatismo y presbicia; el 10% miopía, astigmatismo y presbicia, finalmente el 10% restante presento hipermetropía, astigmatismo y presbicia. Conclusión: El estudio demuestra que el 100% de la población presento ametropías e indicaron que durante sus actividades laborales experimentan síntomas como visión borrosa de cerca y lejos, visión distorsionada, cefalea, dolor ocular que directamente influyen dificultando el cumplimiento de sus actividades laborales, ya que generan desconcentración, complejidad, desmotivación, cansancio entre otros factores que disminuyen el desempeño laboral y no permite rendir al 100%.
dc.format102 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectSalud visual
dc.subjectAgudeza visual
dc.subjectRendimiento laboral
dc.subjectFuerzas Armadas
dc.titleAmetropías y su influencia en el rendimiento laboral del personal de las Fuerzas Armadas que asisten al Centro de Salud Ala de Combate nro.21, Guayas -Yaguachi, diciembre 2022- mayo 2023.

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