dc.contributorRamos Fuentes, Lázaro Francisco
dc.creatorFalconi Flores, Areana Noreida
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case refers to a 62-year-old female patient who is admitted to the Martin Icaza General Hospital in the city of Babahoyo, characterized by presenting a clinical picture of dyspnea on minimal effort, persistent fever, disseminated pruritic lesions all over the body, an enanthemic lesion in the mouth, causing bleeding and pain, moist crackles at both bases of the lung, and coughing. After several examinations of the evolution of the patient and the results obtained from the laboratory, she is diagnosed with three pathologies described below: Community Acquired Pneumonia known by its acronym (CAP), Heart Failure (HF) and Pulmonary Edema ( PD), respiratory and cardiac diseases that are fatal to the health of a patient, much more if it is an elderly adult, in addition to what has already been mentioned, the patient's relatives state that she suffers from arterial hypertension and diabetes Type II mellitus some years ago, which complicated its clinical picture for this reason, the general objective of this clinical case is to make patients and their families aware of the complications of community-acquired pneumonia and pulmonary edema. The treatment applied to the patient was oxygen therapy and physiotherapy, in addition to what was established by the medical staff of the Hospital where she was given antibiotics and antipyretics, after a few days of treatment her health status was significantly improved, at the same time Family members are advised to take good care of the patient in order to achieve a healthy and adequate lifestyle.
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case refers to a 62-year-old female patient who is admitted to the Martin Icaza General Hospital in the city of Babahoyo, characterized by presenting a clinical picture of dyspnea on minimal effort, persistent fever, disseminated pruritic lesions all over the body, an enanthemic lesion in the mouth, causing bleeding and pain, moist crackles at both bases of the lung, and coughing. After several examinations of the evolution of the patient and the results obtained from the laboratory, she is diagnosed with three pathologies described below: Community Acquired Pneumonia known by its acronym (CAP), Heart Failure (HF) and Pulmonary Edema ( PD), respiratory and cardiac diseases that are fatal to the health of a patient, much more if it is an elderly adult, in addition to what has already been mentioned, the patient's relatives state that she suffers from arterial hypertension and diabetes Type II mellitus some years ago, which complicated its clinical picture for this reason, the general objective of this clinical case is to make patients and their families aware of the complications of community-acquired pneumonia and pulmonary edema. The treatment applied to the patient was oxygen therapy and physiotherapy, in addition to what was established by the medical staff of the Hospital where she was given antibiotics and antipyretics, after a few days of treatment her health status was significantly improved, at the same time Family members are advised to take good care of the patient in order to achieve a healthy and adequate lifestyle.
dc.descriptionEl presente caso clínico se refiere a una paciente de 62 años de edad de género femenino que es ingresada al Hospital General Martin Icaza de la ciudad de Babahoyo, caracterizada por presentar un cuadro clínico de, disnea a mínimos esfuerzos, fiebre persistente, lesiones pruriginosas diseminadas en todo el cuerpo, lesión enantemica en la boca, que provoca sangrado y dolor, crepitantes húmedos en ambas bases del pulmón y tos. Después de varias examinaciones de las evoluciones de la paciente y de los resultados obtenidos de laboratorio, se la diagnostica con tres patologías descritas a continuación: Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad conocida por sus siglas (NAC), Insuficiencia Cardiaca (IC) Y Edema pulmonar (EP), enfermedades tanto respiratorias como cardiacas que son mortales para el estado de salud de una paciente mucho más si se trata de un adulto mayor, adicional a lo ya mencionado los familiares de la Paciente manifiestan, que ella sufre de Hipertensión arterial y de diabetes mellitus tipo II hace algunos años, lo que complica su cuadro clínico por esta razón el objetivo general de este caso clínico es el de concientizar a los pacientes y a sus familiares sobre las complicaciones de la Neumonía adquirida en la comunidad y del Edema pulmonar. El tratamiento aplicado a la paciente fue de oxigenoterapia y fisioterapia, adicional a esto lo establecido por el personal médico del Hospital donde se le dieron antibióticos y antitérmicos, después de algunos días de tratamiento se logra mejorar notablemente su estado de salud, a la vez también se le aconseja a los familiares que deben tener un buen cuidado de la paciente para que de esta manera lograr un estilo de vida saludable y adecuado.
dc.format41 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectInsuficiencia Cardiaca
dc.subjectEdema Pulmonar
dc.titleNeumonía adquirida en la comunidad asociada con un edema pulmonar e insuficiencia cardiaca, en paciente de 62 años ingresada en el área de Santa Luisa del Hospital Martin Icaza

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