dc.contributorVillacrés Fernández, Francisco
dc.creatorRosero Tinuco, Jessika Lissbeth
dc.descriptionThe following case study is focused on a 19-year-old female patient, secondary to pregnancy, who is transferred from the Mocache health center with a medical diagnosis of chronic polyhydramnios plus a 30-week gestation pregnancy due to LMP with a clinical picture of edema in the limbs. lower legs, dyspnea, contractile type pain in the hypogastrium radiating to the lumbar region accompanied by loss of the mucous plug. Upon stabilizing the patient and administering a hydration plan plus antibiotics, a vaginal examination was performed, which revealed a dilation of 8cm, effacement of 90%, plane II, intact membranes, uterine activity of 3/10/40`` Obstetrician diagnosed pregnancy of 30.4 weeks of gestation due to LMP plus preterm labor plus CUP 1 plus polyhydramnios. Doctor orders urinalysis, hematology and blood chemistry tests plus ultrasound and fetal monitoring. Patient is transferred to the delivery room área. Adequate follow-up, treatment and control will be provided to both the patient, in order to meet our proposed objectives in this clinical case study.
dc.descriptionThe following case study is focused on a 19-year-old female patient, secondary to pregnancy, who is transferred from the Mocache health center with a medical diagnosis of chronic polyhydramnios plus a 30-week gestation pregnancy due to LMP with a clinical picture of edema in the limbs. lower legs, dyspnea, contractile type pain in the hypogastrium radiating to the lumbar region accompanied by loss of the mucous plug. Upon stabilizing the patient and administering a hydration plan plus antibiotics, a vaginal examination was performed, which revealed a dilation of 8cm, effacement of 90%, plane II, intact membranes, uterine activity of 3/10/40`` Obstetrician diagnosed pregnancy of 30.4 weeks of gestation due to LMP plus preterm labor plus CUP 1 plus polyhydramnios. Doctor orders urinalysis, hematology and blood chemistry tests plus ultrasound and fetal monitoring. Patient is transferred to the delivery room área. Adequate follow-up, treatment and control will be provided to both the patient, in order to meet our proposed objectives in this clinical case study.
dc.descriptionEl siguiente estudio de caso está enfocado en paciente de sexo femenino de 19 años, secundigesta que es transferida del centro de salud de Mocache con diagnóstico médico de Polihidramnios más embarazo de 30 semanas de gestación por F.U.M con cuadro clínico de edemas en miembros inferiores, disnea, dolor tipo contráctil en hipogastrio que se irradia a región lumbar acompañado de perdida de tapón mucoso. Al estabilizar a la paciente y administrarle plan de hidratación más antibióticos se procedió a realizar el tacto vaginal donde se evidenció una dilatación de 8cm, borramiento 90%, plano II, membranas integras, actividad uterina de 3/10/40`` Obstetra diagnostica embarazo de 30.4 semanas de gestación por F.U.M más trabajo de parto prematuro más CUP 1 más polihidramnios. Médico ordena realizar exámenes de uroanálisis, hematológicos y química sanguínea más ecografía y monitorización fetal. Paciente es transferida al área sala de parto. Se brindará el adecuado seguimiento, tratamiento y control al paciente, para así poder cumplir nuestros objetivos propuestos en este estudio de caso clínico.
dc.format34 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectParto Eutócico
dc.subjectMembranas Integras
dc.titleConducta obstétrica ante parto prematuro de 30,4 semanas de gestación con polihidramnios.

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