dc.contributorRomero Ramírez, Herman Arcenio
dc.creatorVillaprado Vera, Janeth Mercedes
dc.descriptionDiabetes mellitus is a multifactorial disease is a disease highly associated with loading genetics and environmental factors, most of the food we eat is converted to glucose and it is used by the body to generate energy, the pancreas is the main organ that is in charge of the production of insulin, this is a hormona that transports the glucose towards the interior of the cell of our body; Diabetes has serious consequences when not treated in time, increasing the risk of vascular diseases, amputation of the lower extremities, blindness, damage to the kidneys; The present case study is about a woman recently diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus type II, the patient reports that she takes her medication exactly as the doctor indicated, but does not carry out healthy eating habits that help her control, such as diet and physical activity; the nutritional evaluation indicated a BMI of 26.7kg / m2 overweight with increased cardiovascular risk; Her biochemical examinations reflected hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, which is related to the poor lifestyles presented by the patient. An individualized diet plan is provided according to the energy requirement, disease and socioeconomic level of the patient, in order to normalize their glucose levels, the type of diet that will be prescribed will be a diabetic diet divided into 5 meal times, This diet has a characteristic, hypo fat, normoglucid, high in soluble fiber which improves the nutritional state of the patient.
dc.descriptionDiabetes mellitus is a multifactorial disease is a disease highly associated with loading genetics and environmental factors, most of the food we eat is converted to glucose and it is used by the body to generate energy, the pancreas is the main organ that is in charge of the production of insulin, this is a hormona that transports the glucose towards the interior of the cell of our body; Diabetes has serious consequences when not treated in time, increasing the risk of vascular diseases, amputation of the lower extremities, blindness, damage to the kidneys; The present case study is about a woman recently diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus type II, the patient reports that she takes her medication exactly as the doctor indicated, but does not carry out healthy eating habits that help her control, such as diet and physical activity; the nutritional evaluation indicated a BMI of 26.7kg / m2 overweight with increased cardiovascular risk; Her biochemical examinations reflected hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, which is related to the poor lifestyles presented by the patient. An individualized diet plan is provided according to the energy requirement, disease and socioeconomic level of the patient, in order to normalize their glucose levels, the type of diet that will be prescribed will be a diabetic diet divided into 5 meal times, This diet has a characteristic, hypo fat, normoglucid, high in soluble fiber which improves the nutritional state of the patient.
dc.descriptionLa diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad multifactorial es una enfermedad altamente asociada a cargar genética y factores ambientales, la mayor parte de los alimentos que nosotros ingerimos se convierten en glucosa y esta es usada por el cuerpo para generar energía, el páncreas es el órgano principal que se encarga de la producción de insulina, esta es una hormona que transporta la glucosa hacia el interior de la célula de nuestro cuerpo; La Diabetes tiene consecuencias graves cuando no se tratan a tiempo, aumentando el riesgo de enfermedades vasculares, amputación de las extremidades inferiores, ceguera, daños en los riñones. El presente estudio de caso se trata de un hombre recientemente diagnosticado con diabetes mellitus tipo II, el paciente refiere que toma su medicamento tal cual se lo indico el médico pero no realiza hábitos alimenticios saludables que ayuden a su control como dieta y actividad física; la evaluación nutricional indicó un IMC de 26.7kg/m2 sobrepeso con riesgo cardiovascular incrementado; Sus exámenes bioquímicos reflejaron hiperglucemia, hipercolesterolemia e hipertrigliceridemia que se relaciona a los malos estilos de vida que presenta el paciente. Se proporciona un plan de alimentación individualizado acorde al requerimiento de energía, enfermedad y nivel socioeconómico del paciente, con el objetivo de normalizar sus niveles de glucosa, el tipo de dieta que se prescribirá será una dieta para diabético fraccionada en 5 tiempos de comidas, esta alimentación posee característica, hipograsa, normoglucida, alta en fibra soluble lo cual mejoren el estado nutricional del paciente
dc.format39 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titlePaciente de sexo masculino de 50 años de edad con diabetes mellitus tipo ii

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