dc.contributorEscobar Torres, Alicia Filadelfia
dc.creatorLópez Aucancela, Jasmín Dayana
dc.descriptionIn the present clinical case study, the nursing care process is applied to a 28-week premature infant who was born at the Martin Icaza General Hospital, was hospitalized in the neonatology area with a definitive diagnosis of pathology difficulty characterized by Pulmonary Immaturity due to lack of surfactant. caused by a birth before the 40th week, through the assessment and complementary tests it was possible to establish the pathology that the newborn presented, the NANDA, NIC and NOC nursing care process was applied, identifying the altered functional patterns, protected care was carried out of nursing having a good evolution of the newborn.
dc.descriptionIn the present clinical case study, the nursing care process is applied to a 28-week premature infant who was born at the Martin Icaza General Hospital, was hospitalized in the neonatology area with a definitive diagnosis of pathology difficulty characterized by Pulmonary Immaturity due to lack of surfactant. caused by a birth before the 40th week, through the assessment and complementary tests it was possible to establish the pathology that the newborn presented, the NANDA, NIC and NOC nursing care process was applied, identifying the altered functional patterns, protected care was carried out of nursing having a good evolution of the newborn.
dc.descriptionEn el presente estudio de caso clínico se aplica el proceso de atención de enfermería en prematuro de 28 semanas que nació en el Hospital General Martin Icaza, fue hospitalizado en el área de neonatología con diagnóstico definitivo de dificultad respiratoria patología caracterizada por la Inmadurez Pulmonar por falta de surfactante provocada por un parto antes de la 40 semana, Mediante la valoración y exámenes complementarios se pudo establecer la patología que presentaba el recién nacido se aplicó el proceso de atención de enfermería NANDA, NIC Y NOC identificando los patrones funcionales alterados, se realizó los respectivos Cuidados de enfermería teniendo una buena evolución del recién nacido.
dc.format30 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectDificultad Respiratoria
dc.subjectInmadurez Pulmonar
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en prematuro de 28 semanas con dificultad respiratoria.

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