dc.contributor | Muñoz, Lilian | |
dc.creator | Checa Vera, Jenniffer Lizeth | |
dc.creator | Vizuete Cevallos, Teresa Jacqueline | |
dc.date | 2020-05-31T14:32:32Z | |
dc.date | 2020-05-31T14:32:32Z | |
dc.date | 2020 | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-08-08T17:33:31Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-08-08T17:33:31Z | |
dc.identifier | http://dspace.utb.edu.ec/handle/49000/8079 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repositorioslatinoamericanos.uchile.cl/handle/2250/8052242 | |
dc.description | Uterine atony is generated when the uterus does not contract due to lack of tone, which causes the blood vessels to remain open and severe bleeding, that is, a loss of more than 1,000 milliliters of blood, that lack of tone prevents contraction after childbirth and a consequent delay in its involution after childbirth. Importantly, once the mother expels the baby and the placenta, an important process develops, which consists of a potent uterine contraction whose function is the closure of the blood vessels of the uterus, which allows the bleeding to be Minimum in the mother. But when this process does not occur, uterine atony or inertia originates and the result is a major hemorrhage and when not properly controlled it can have fatal consequences for the parturient, prevailing as one of the three main causes of maternal mortality in the world. And it is the second cause of death in Ecuador, with a frequency of 70%. The sample chosen in the present study were 28 patients of the Gustavo Domínguez Zambrano Hospital, treated in the January-June 2019 period, obtaining as a result that: the most frequent maternal complications of the prolonged expulsive period, is 50% uterine atony, for On the other hand, the age range in which this complication was mostly presented, was in the range of 15 to 20 years, with 36%, on the other hand the highest percentage with atony were the nulliparous pregnant women, who had hemorrhages with greater frequency in 55%, while those with prolonged expulsion periods were multiparous with 61%, on the other hand, patients who presented atony associated with prolonged expulsion were obtained a percentage of 70%, the largest number of cases being the highest risk factor that occurred in the prolonged period was the administration of uterotonics with 28%. It was also determined that only 61% of the professionals developed the correct management of the childbirth. Finally, it was concluded that uterine atony is associated with prolonged expulsion, determining as a solution to concurrent cases and its diminution, the realization of a program that seeks to train and raise awareness among health professionals in the correct management of the childbirth. | |
dc.description | Uterine atony is generated when the uterus does not contract due to lack of tone, which causes the blood vessels to remain open and severe bleeding, that is, a loss of more than 1,000 milliliters of blood, that lack of tone prevents contraction after childbirth and a consequent delay in its involution after childbirth. Importantly, once the mother expels the baby and the placenta, an important process develops, which consists of a potent uterine contraction whose function is the closure of the blood vessels of the uterus, which allows the bleeding to be Minimum in the mother. But when this process does not occur, uterine atony or inertia originates and the result is a major hemorrhage and when not properly controlled it can have fatal consequences for the parturient, prevailing as one of the three main causes of maternal mortality in the world. And it is the second cause of death in Ecuador, with a frequency of 70%. The sample chosen in the present study were 28 patients of the Gustavo Domínguez Zambrano Hospital, treated in the January-June 2019 period, obtaining as a result that: the most frequent maternal complications of the prolonged expulsive period, is 50% uterine atony, for On the other hand, the age range in which this complication was mostly presented, was in the range of 15 to 20 years, with 36%, on the other hand the highest percentage with atony were the nulliparous pregnant women, who had hemorrhages with greater frequency in 55%, while those with prolonged expulsion periods were multiparous with 61%, on the other hand, patients who presented atony associated with prolonged expulsion were obtained a percentage of 70%, the largest number of cases being the highest risk factor that occurred in the prolonged period was the administration of uterotonics with 28%. It was also determined that only 61% of the professionals developed the correct management of the childbirth. Finally, it was concluded that uterine atony is associated with prolonged expulsion, determining as a solution to concurrent cases and its diminution, the realization of a program that seeks to train and raise awareness among health professionals in the correct management of the childbirth. | |
dc.description | La atonía uterina es la falta de contracción de las fibras miometriales del musculo liso al no haber la contracción los vasos sanguíneos quedan expuestos y por consiguiente hay perdida hemática. es decir, una pérdida de más de 1.000 mililitros de sangre, esa falta de tono impide la contracción tras el parto y un consecuente retraso en su involución tras el parto. Es importante destacar que, una vez que la madre expulsa al feto y a la placenta, se desarrolla un proceso importante, el cual consiste en una potente contracción uterina cuya función es el cierre de los vasos sanguíneos del útero, la cual permite que el sangrado sea mínimo en la madre. Cuando este proceso no se produce, se origina la atonía uterina o inercia puede tener consecuencias mortales para la parturienta, prevaleciendo esta como una de las tres principales causas de mortalidad materna en el mundo. Y es la segunda causa de muerte en el Ecuador, con una frecuencia de 70%. La muestra escogida en el presente estudio fueron 28 pacientes del Hospital Gustavo Domínguez Zambrano, atendidas en el periodo enero-junio 2019, obteniéndose como resultado que: las complicaciones maternas más frecuentes del período expulsivo prolongado, es la atonía uterina en un 50%, por su parte el rango de edad en el cual se presentó mayormente esta complicación, fue en el rango de 15 a 20 años, con un 36%, por otra parte el mayor porcentaje con atonía fueron las gestantes nulíparas, quienes tuvieron hemorragias con mayor frecuencia en un 55%, mientras que las que presentaron periodos expulsivos prolongados fueron las multíparas con un 61%, por otra parte las pacientes que presentaron atonía asociada a la expulsión prolongada fueron obtuvieron un porcentaje de 70%, siendo el mayor número de casos, el mayor factor de riesgo que se presentó en el periodo prolongado fue la administración de uterotonicos con un 28%. También se determinó que solo el 39% de los profesionales desarrollaron el correcto manejo del partograma. Finalmente se concluyó que la atonía uterina está asociada al expulsivo prolongado, determinándose como solución a los casos concurrentes y su diminución la realización de un programa que procure capacitar y concientizar a los profesionales de salud en el correcto manejo del partograma. | |
dc.format | 86 p. | |
dc.format | application/pdf | |
dc.language | es | |
dc.publisher | Babahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020 | |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador | |
dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ec/ | |
dc.subject | Atonía uterina | |
dc.subject | Expulsivo prolongado | |
dc.subject | Hemorragias postparto | |
dc.title | Atonía uterina asociada a expulsivo prolongado en mujeres de 15 a 35 años en Hospital Gustavo Domínguez - Santo Domingo de Los Tsachilas; enero-junio 2019. | |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | |