dc.contributorPeñafiel Nivela, Gonzalo Arturo
dc.creatorAguirre Cagua, Jenniffer Saray
dc.descriptionThe following research project aims to analyze and expose the influence that the tourist guide has on the river tours offered in the Ruta del Rio del Canton Quevedo, Province of Los Rios, as well as people and entities specialized in the subject of study and the public and private environment from the services offered. The River Route is currently well received by the inhabitants and tourists who visit the area because thanks to a new project that was implemented in the study site, the construction of establishments and enterprises that offer recreational and fun spaces for adults and children has increased. There are also activities that are carried out on the Quevedo River, such as boats that give you a tour of the river crossings and offer guidance by experts who work in the sector. In addition, there are also jet ski races that are presented in the subject of study. While it is true that in order to exploit the potential of the tourism sector, the demand and supply of the destination must be analyzed. To offer a good service, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the user and offer originality in the service, quality, safety and a price within everyone's pocket in order to create a desire and project a good image of the sector studied.
dc.descriptionThe following research project aims to analyze and expose the influence that the tourist guide has on the river tours offered in the Ruta del Rio del Canton Quevedo, Province of Los Rios, as well as people and entities specialized in the subject of study and the public and private environment from the services offered. The River Route is currently well received by the inhabitants and tourists who visit the area because thanks to a new project that was implemented in the study site, the construction of establishments and enterprises that offer recreational and fun spaces for adults and children has increased. There are also activities that are carried out on the Quevedo River, such as boats that give you a tour of the river crossings and offer guidance by experts who work in the sector. In addition, there are also jet ski races that are presented in the subject of study. While it is true that in order to exploit the potential of the tourism sector, the demand and supply of the destination must be analyzed. To offer a good service, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the user and offer originality in the service, quality, safety and a price within everyone's pocket in order to create a desire and project a good image of the sector studied.
dc.descriptionEl siguiente proyecto de investigación tienes como finalidad analizar y exponer la influencia que tiene la guianza turística en la travesías fluviales ofertadas en la Ruta del Rio del Cantón Quevedo, Provincia de Los Ríos, como también de las personas y las entidades especializadas en el tema de estudio y el entorno público y privado a partir de los servicios ofertados. La Ruta del Rio en la actualidad tiene buena acogida de parte de los habitantes y de los turistas que visitan el sector ya que gracias a un nuevo proyecto que se implementó en el lugar de estudio se incrementó las construcción de establecimientos y emprendimientos que ofrecen espacios de recreación y diversión para adultos y pequeños, además se encuentra en vigencia las actividades que se realizan en el Rio Quevedo, como las lanchas que te dan un recorrido por las travesías fluviales además de ofrecer guianza por los expertos que trabajan en el sector. Además existen también las carreras de motos acuáticas que se presentan en el tema de estudio. Si bien es cierto para explotar el potencial que tiene el sector turístico se debe analizar la demanda y la oferta del destino. Para ofrecer un buen servicio se debe enfocar en las necesidades del usuario y ofrecer originalidad en el servicio, calidad, seguridad y un precio al bolsillo de todos para sí crear un deseo y proyectar una buena imagen del sector estudiado.
dc.format30 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectGuianza turística
dc.subjectRuta del Rio
dc.subjectTravesias fluviales
dc.titleGuianza turística su influencia en las travesía fluviales ofertadas en la ruta del rio, año 2022

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