dc.contributorFeijóo Rojas, Kerly
dc.creatorGarcía Montes, Sadid Anabella
dc.descriptionThis case study is based on describing, investigating and carrying out an analysis in reference to the topic: proactivity of the secretaries and its incidence in the work of the GAD institution belonging to Isla de Bejucal, which aims to propose solutions to the problems exposed in said study. For this, the deductive method was used through which relevant information was obtained ranging from the general to the particular, however, for data collection a questionnaire was prepared and a survey was applied to the secretaries of said institution with the in order to collect and analyze the information obtained. It should be noted that the main objective of the research is to analyze how the proactivity of secretaries affects their work practice. As such, the results obtained from said analysis are described; The proactive attitude is one of the main behaviors that the entire organization must take into account when hiring a secretary, so the proper functioning of the institution depends on them, allowing it to achieve achievements for the benefit of the same and exercise the work activities in a comprehensive manner and giving the user the attention they deserve, assertively communicating any concerns they may present.
dc.descriptionThis case study is based on describing, investigating and carrying out an analysis in reference to the topic: proactivity of the secretaries and its incidence in the work of the GAD institution belonging to Isla de Bejucal, which aims to propose solutions to the problems exposed in said study. For this, the deductive method was used through which relevant information was obtained ranging from the general to the particular, however, for data collection a questionnaire was prepared and a survey was applied to the secretaries of said institution with the in order to collect and analyze the information obtained. It should be noted that the main objective of the research is to analyze how the proactivity of secretaries affects their work practice. As such, the results obtained from said analysis are described; The proactive attitude is one of the main behaviors that the entire organization must take into account when hiring a secretary, so the proper functioning of the institution depends on them, allowing it to achieve achievements for the benefit of the same and exercise the work activities in a comprehensive manner and giving the user the attention they deserve, assertively communicating any concerns they may present.
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio de caso radica en describir, indagar y realizar un análisis en referencia al tema: proactividad de las secretarias y su incidencia en el ejercicio laboral del GAD parroquial Isla de Bejucal, el cual tiene como finalidad proponer soluciones a la problemática expuesta en dicho estudio. Para ello, se utilizó el método deductivo a través del cual se obtuvo información relevante que van de lo general a lo particular, sin embargo, para la recolección de datos se elaboro un cuestionario y se aplicó una encuesta a las secretarias de dicha institución con el fin de recopilar y analizar la información obtenida. Cabe recalcar que la investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar cómo incide la proactividad de las secretarias en el ejercicio laboral. En tal virtud se describen los resultados obtenidos de dicho análisis; la actitud proactiva es una de las principales conductas que toda organización debe tener en cuenta a la hora de contratar una secretaria, por lo que, depende de ellas el buen funcionamiento de la institución, permitiéndole adquirir logros a beneficio de la misma y ejercer las actividades laborales de manera íntegra y dando al usuario la atención que merece, comunicando asertivamente cualquier inquietud que presente.
dc.format44 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectEjercicio laboral
dc.subjectConducta laboral
dc.subjectComunicación Asertiva
dc.titleProactividad de las secretarias y su incidencia en el ejercicio laboral del GAD Parroquial Isla de Bejucal

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