dc.contributorZurita Gaibor, Javier Antonio
dc.creatorSánchez Bohórquez, Odalys Nicole
dc.descriptionToday we see many people, especially children, with problems in their sensory and motor skills that significantly hinder their lives. These problems, often related to problems with the visual system and then to problems with the development of the nervous system, can be misdiagnosed and treated by different specialists, just like any other vision-related problem. This clinical case study deals with a 9-year-old male patient, who was suggested to undergo extraocular muscle surgery; the parents opted for the alternative of vision therapy. Visual therapy will help the correct alignment and function of the extraocular muscles. This option was chosen because it is the best option and more so when it comes to a patient suffering from Asperger's syndrome, since it can become a nuisance in their recovery. This topic is important since it allows us to know what type of visual training can be adapted to the patient depending on the degree of their autism and their alternating strabismus.
dc.descriptionToday we see many people, especially children, with problems in their sensory and motor skills that significantly hinder their lives. These problems, often related to problems with the visual system and then to problems with the development of the nervous system, can be misdiagnosed and treated by different specialists, just like any other vision-related problem. This clinical case study deals with a 9-year-old male patient, who was suggested to undergo extraocular muscle surgery; the parents opted for the alternative of vision therapy. Visual therapy will help the correct alignment and function of the extraocular muscles. This option was chosen because it is the best option and more so when it comes to a patient suffering from Asperger's syndrome, since it can become a nuisance in their recovery. This topic is important since it allows us to know what type of visual training can be adapted to the patient depending on the degree of their autism and their alternating strabismus.
dc.descriptionHoy vemos muchas personas, especialmente los niños, con problemas en sus habilidades sensoriales y motoras que obstaculizan de manera notable sus vidas. Estos problemas, a menudo relacionados con problemas con el sistema visual y entonces con problemas con el desarrollo del sistema nervioso, pueden estar desacertado el diagnosticado y tratado por diferentes especialistas, como cualquier otro problema relacionado con la visión. El presente estudio de caso clínico trata de un paciente de sexo masculino de 9 años de edad, el cual le sugirieron hacerse una cirugía del músculo extraocular; los padres optaron por la alternativa de la terapia visual. La terapia visual ayudara a la alineación y funcionamiento correcto de los músculos extraoculares. Esta opción se la escogió ya que es la mejor opción y más cuando se trata de un paciente que sufre de síndrome de asperger, ya que puede llegar a ser una molestia en su recuperación. Este tema es importante ya que nos permite conocer qué tipo de entrenamiento visual que se puede adaptar al paciente dependiendo el grado de su autismo y de su estrabismo alternante.
dc.format44 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectMusculo Extraocular
dc.subjectTerapia visual
dc.subjectEstrabismo Alternante
dc.subjectSíndrome de Asperger
dc.subjectHabilidades Sensoriales y Motoras
dc.titleTerapias visuales para estrabismo alternante en paciente de 9 años con síndrome de asperger.

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