Artigo de periódico
Comparação entre os métodos químico, in situ e in vitro para estimativa do valor nutritivo de silagens de milho
Comparison of chemical, in situ and in vitro methods to estimate the nutritive value of maize silages
Senger, Clóvis Clenio Diesel
Muhlbach, Paulo Roberto Frenzel
Sanchez, Luis Maria Bonnecarrere
Kozloski, Gilberto Vilmar
Kist, Gerusa Pauli
Lima, Lisiane Dorneles de
Netto, Diego Peres
Diferentes silagens de milho foram avaliadas através de sua composição química e pelos métodos de degradabilidade in situ, digestibilidade in vitro convencional e produção de gases in vitro, com o objetivo de comparar os métodos entre si na estimativa do valor nutritivo das silagens. Foram confeccionados 36 mini-silos com três teores de matéria seca (MS) (200, 260 e 280g kg-1), e duas densidades de compactação: Alta compactação (AC) e Baixa compactação (BC). Os valores de digestibilidade obtidos pelos métodos in vitro convencional e in situ somente foram afetados pelo teor de MS (P<0,05). The nutritional value of different maize silages was estimated and compared by means of chemical composition, or by tests in situ, conventional in vitro or by a semi-automated in vitro gas production technique. Thirty-six samples of maize silages prepared in mini-silos with three DM contents (200, 260 and 280g kg-1) and two packing densities; higher density (HD) or lower density (LD), were evaluated. Digestibility values from in situ and conventional in vitro tests were affected only by silage moisture concentration (P<0.05). Total digestible nutrients values estimated from the chemical composition were affected by both moisture and density treatments, as well as by its interaction (P<0.05). OM digestibilities of maize silages estimated either by conventional in vitro or by in situ methods were lower than those estimated by in vitro gas fermentation or than the TDN values calculated from chemical composition (P<0.05). Compared to the traditional in vitro and in situ tests, the in vitro gas production technique was more accurate to evaluate the nutritional value of maize silages.