dc.contributorPérez Muñoz, Damaris
dc.creatorPilozo Romero, Julissa Andreina
dc.descriptionEye disorders are most often caused by several factors. Pseudomyopia results from an increase in the refractive power of the eye due to overstimulation of the accommodation mechanism of the eye or a ciliary spasm. On the other hand, myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the transparent front covering of the eye) is too curved, as a result, the light entering the eye will not be properly focused and distant objects will appear blurry. Patients with pseudomyopia often have fluctuations in distant visual acuity that correspond to fluctuations in accommodation. OBJECTIVE: To determine the pseudomyopia due to excess accommodation in a 17-year-old patient related to the use of electronic devices, theoretically base the study variables and determine the differential diagnosis of the clinical case presented. METHOD: for this, the inductive deductive method and retrospective data of the patient were used, physical examinations were performed that determined; mild hyperemia in bulbar conjunctiva a / o, 5.5 mm mydriatic pupil with response to direct light stimulation and normal consensual. RESULTS: this is a patient who suffered from headache for several weeks, episodes of short-term blurred vision being more common during the afternoon and evening, burning and watery eyes associated with redness of the eyes. The results of the clinical study through procedures and diagnostic tests such as; Donders score, direct ophthalmoscopy, dynamic and paralyzed retinoscopy, by means of these procedures, Dx is determined; Spasm of accommodation. CONCLUSIONS: Lack of visual acuity is associated with changes in accommodation due to bad habits when using the cell phone, moderation in the time of use of the same and visual relaxation therapies was recommended. It is concluded that the patient presents pseudomyopia related to bad habits with cell phone use.
dc.descriptionEye disorders are most often caused by several factors. Pseudomyopia results from an increase in the refractive power of the eye due to overstimulation of the accommodation mechanism of the eye or a ciliary spasm. On the other hand, myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the transparent front covering of the eye) is too curved, as a result, the light entering the eye will not be properly focused and distant objects will appear blurry. Patients with pseudomyopia often have fluctuations in distant visual acuity that correspond to fluctuations in accommodation. OBJECTIVE: To determine the pseudomyopia due to excess accommodation in a 17-year-old patient related to the use of electronic devices, theoretically base the study variables and determine the differential diagnosis of the clinical case presented. METHOD: for this, the inductive deductive method and retrospective data of the patient were used, physical examinations were performed that determined; mild hyperemia in bulbar conjunctiva a / o, 5.5 mm mydriatic pupil with response to direct light stimulation and normal consensual. RESULTS: this is a patient who suffered from headache for several weeks, episodes of short-term blurred vision being more common during the afternoon and evening, burning and watery eyes associated with redness of the eyes. The results of the clinical study through procedures and diagnostic tests such as; Donders score, direct ophthalmoscopy, dynamic and paralyzed retinoscopy, by means of these procedures, Dx is determined; Spasm of accommodation. CONCLUSIONS: Lack of visual acuity is associated with changes in accommodation due to bad habits when using the cell phone, moderation in the time of use of the same and visual relaxation therapies was recommended. It is concluded that the patient presents pseudomyopia related to bad habits with cell phone use.
dc.descriptionLos trastornos oculares se originan con mayor frecuencia a causa de varios factores. La pseudomiopía resulta de un aumento en el poder de refracción del ojo debido a la sobreestimulación del mecanismo de acomodación del ojo o un espasmo ciliar. Por otro lado, la miopía ocurre cuando el globo ocular es demasiado largo o la córnea (la cubierta frontal transparente del ojo) está demasiado curvada, como resultado, la luz que ingresa al ojo no se enfocará correctamente y los objetos distantes aparecerán borrosos. Los pacientes con pseudomiopía suelen tener fluctuaciones en la agudeza visual lejana que corresponden a fluctuaciones en la acomodación. OBJETIVO: Determinar la pseudomiopía por exceso de acomodación en paciente de 17 años relacionada al uso de dispositivos electrónicos, fundamentar teóricamente las variables de estudio y determinar el diagnóstico diferencial del caso clínico presentado. METODO: Para ello se utilizó método inductivo deductivo y datos retrospectivos del paciente, se realizaron exámenes físicos que determinaron; leve hiperemia en conjuntiva bulbar a/o, pupila midriática 5.5 mm con respuesta al estimula lumínico directo y consensual normal. RESULTADOS: se trata de paciente que padeció de cefalea durante varias semanas, episodios de visión borrosa de corta duración siendo esto más comunes durante en la tarde y noche, ojos ardorosos y llorosos asociado al enrojecimiento de los ojos. Los resultados del estudio clínico por medio de procedimientos y pruebas diagnósticas como; tanteo de Donders, oftamoscopía directa, retinoscopía dinámica y paralizada, mediante estos procedimientos se determina, Dx; Espasmo de la acomodación. CONCLUSIONES: Falta de agudeza visual, se asocia a cambios en la acomodación debido a malos hábitos al usar el celular, se recomendó moderación en el tiempo de uso del mismo y terapias de relajación visual. Se concluye el paciente presenta pseudomiopía relacionada a malos hábitos con el uso del celular.
dc.format30 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectPseudomiopía por exceso
dc.subjectExceso de acomodación
dc.subjectMecanismo acomodativo
dc.subjectTrastornos Oculares
dc.subjectGlobo ocular
dc.subjectEspasmos de la acomodación
dc.subjectVisión borrosa
dc.titlePseudomiopía por exceso de acomodación en paciente de 17 años relacionada al uso de dispositivos electrónicos.

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