dc.contributorGuevara Espinoza, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorPeñafiel Cabrera, Katherine Priscila
dc.descriptionIn the following case study called, "Virtual platforms and their contribution in the learning of on-line education of eighth-year students "a" of the Educational Unit "Vinces" period 2021 – 2022", it is required to know the contribution that virtual platforms have granted to students in their modality of online study, throughout these two years that had to be implemented due to health emergency issues, this case study aims to find the contribution, what tools students use, if their teaching process has improved, through a quantitative research method that allows me through the use of the survey and with their respective questionnaire to obtain information that brings me closer to the topic raised, this yielded as results, that although the contribution exists through digital tools, the students are not entirely convinced, perhaps due to a lack of impetus towards studying.
dc.descriptionIn the following case study called, "Virtual platforms and their contribution in the learning of on-line education of eighth-year students "a" of the Educational Unit "Vinces" period 2021 – 2022", it is required to know the contribution that virtual platforms have granted to students in their modality of online study, throughout these two years that had to be implemented due to health emergency issues, this case study aims to find the contribution, what tools students use, if their teaching process has improved, through a quantitative research method that allows me through the use of the survey and with their respective questionnaire to obtain information that brings me closer to the topic raised, this yielded as results, that although the contribution exists through digital tools, the students are not entirely convinced, perhaps due to a lack of impetus towards studying.
dc.descriptionEn el siguiente caso de estudio denominado, “Plataformas virtuales y su aporte en el aprendizaje de la educación on-line de los estudiantes de octavo año “a” de la Unidad Educativa “Vinces” periodo 2021 – 2022”, se requiere conocer el aporte que las plataformas virtuales han otorgado a los estudiantes en su modalidad de estudio online, a lo largo de estos dos años que se tuvo que implementar por cuestiones de emergencia sanitaria, este estudio de caso tiene el objetivo de encontrar el aporte, que herramientas usan los estudiantes, si su proceso de enseñanza ha mejorado, mediante un método de investigación cuantitativa que me permita mediante el uso de la encuesta y con sus respectivo cuestionario obtener información que me aproxime al tema planteado, esto arrojó como resultados, que si bien el aporte existe por las herramientas digitales, los estudiantes no están del todo convencidos, quizás por falta de ímpetu hacia el estudio.
dc.format39 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectPlataformas educativas
dc.subjectProceso de enseñanza
dc.subjectModalidad online
dc.subjectHerramientas digitales
dc.titlePlataformas virtuales y su aporte en el aprendizaje de la educación on-line de los estudiantes de octavo año “A” de la Unidad Educativa Vinces periodo 2021 – 2022

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