dc.contributorSánchez Jaime, Luis Enrique
dc.creatorColoma Bajaña, Alexander Bolívar
dc.descriptionRice cultivation is a cereal that has a high food demand worldwide, however, each year the demand increases due to population growth, which deserves to look for different alternatives to intensify the crop's yield, the treatments of applying organic matter in together with chemical fertilizers, positively affected obtaining the desired yields to offset the demand for the cereal. The objective of this research was to determine the dynamics of organic matter in anoxic conditions and how it influences the cultivation of rice under irrigation, in order to find an alternative to reduce greenhouse gases, which was found to be low a water regime significantly reduces these gases, which are the major pollutant in the environment. During the last years the application of organic matter to different crops has been increased, most of them vegetables, however the FAO seeks to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides to encourage the application of new organic practices in all kinds of crops, in order to protect the environment and guarantee food safety. The results of the study determined that the functions of organic matter applied to the soil contribute to the conservation of soil fertility, the ability to retain water, air circulation, and increase the ability to naturally control insects, mites, and nematodes as pathogens. Regardless of the source to be used, speaking of nutrition, it can be applied up to twice the requirement in pure mineral and there is no toxicity because its absorption is quite slow.
dc.descriptionRice cultivation is a cereal that has a high food demand worldwide, however, each year the demand increases due to population growth, which deserves to look for different alternatives to intensify the crop's yield, the treatments of applying organic matter in together with chemical fertilizers, positively affected obtaining the desired yields to offset the demand for the cereal. The objective of this research was to determine the dynamics of organic matter in anoxic conditions and how it influences the cultivation of rice under irrigation, in order to find an alternative to reduce greenhouse gases, which was found to be low a water regime significantly reduces these gases, which are the major pollutant in the environment. During the last years the application of organic matter to different crops has been increased, most of them vegetables, however the FAO seeks to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides to encourage the application of new organic practices in all kinds of crops, in order to protect the environment and guarantee food safety. The results of the study determined that the functions of organic matter applied to the soil contribute to the conservation of soil fertility, the ability to retain water, air circulation, and increase the ability to naturally control insects, mites, and nematodes as pathogens. Regardless of the source to be used, speaking of nutrition, it can be applied up to twice the requirement in pure mineral and there is no toxicity because its absorption is quite slow.
dc.descriptionEl cultivo de arroz es un cereal que posee una alta demanda alimentaria a nivel mundial, sin embargo cada año la demanda aumenta por motivos del crecimiento poblacional, lo que amerita buscar diferentes alternativas para intensificar el rendimiento del cultivo, los tratamientos de aplicar materia orgánica en conjunto con fertilizantes químicos, afectaron positivamente a obtener los rendimientos deseados para compensar la demanda del cereal. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la dinámica de la materia orgánica en condiciones anóxicas y cómo influye en el cultivo de arroz bajo riego, con el fin de encontrar una alternativa para disminuir los gases de efecto invernadero, al cual se comprobó que al estar bajo un régimen de agua disminuye significativamente estos gases que son el gran contaminante del medio ambiente. Durante los últimos años se ha incrementado la aplicación de materia orgánica a distintos cultivos en su mayoría las hortalizas, sin embargo la FAO busca disminuir el uso de fertilizantes y plaguicidas para incentivar a aplicar nuevas prácticas orgánicas en toda clase de cultivos, con el fin de proteger el medio ambiente y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. Los resultados del estudio determinaron que las funciones de la materia orgánica aplicada en el suelo aportan a la conservación de la fertilidad del suelo, capacidad para retener agua, circulación del aire y aumenta la capacidad de controlar naturalmente insectos, ácaros, nematodos como patógenos. Sea cual sea la fuente que se va a utilizar, hablando de la nutrición puede aplicarse hasta el doble de del requerimiento en mineral puro y no existe toxicidad debido a que su absorción es bastante lenta
dc.format22 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectMateria orgánica
dc.subjectSeguridad alimentaria
dc.subjectFertilidad del suelo
dc.titleDinámica de la materia orgánica bajo condiciones anóxicas en la producción de arroz (Oryza sativa L.)

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