dc.contributorAmaya Díaz, Ines Yolanda
dc.creatorFigueroa Morán, Susana Viviana
dc.descriptionIn some places of Ecuador, due to the lack of information or publicity of tourist attractions, and the little diffusion of the attractions makes people do not realize the hidden beauties within the country, therefore this problem arises from the lack of interest and little organization in promoting tourism development of the different natural and cultural scenarios that provides the biodiversity of Ecuador. The purpose of this study is to develop a tourism promotion plan for the canton of Quevedo, thus helping to improve its tourism vision and in turn promote the socioeconomic development of its inhabitants and the city as a whole. It was found that Quevedo has a large number of tourist attractions and activities to develop, and some that have not yet been promoted, but that will make a significant contribution to its tourism industry. In order to implement the plan, it was necessary to conduct a current analysis of tourism in the canton, as well as a bibliographic research of its most important attractions and data. The study was developed using qualitative methods and survey techniques to learn about the perspectives of tourism in the city of Quevedo.
dc.descriptionIn some places of Ecuador, due to the lack of information or publicity of tourist attractions, and the little diffusion of the attractions makes people do not realize the hidden beauties within the country, therefore this problem arises from the lack of interest and little organization in promoting tourism development of the different natural and cultural scenarios that provides the biodiversity of Ecuador. The purpose of this study is to develop a tourism promotion plan for the canton of Quevedo, thus helping to improve its tourism vision and in turn promote the socioeconomic development of its inhabitants and the city as a whole. It was found that Quevedo has a large number of tourist attractions and activities to develop, and some that have not yet been promoted, but that will make a significant contribution to its tourism industry. In order to implement the plan, it was necessary to conduct a current analysis of tourism in the canton, as well as a bibliographic research of its most important attractions and data. The study was developed using qualitative methods and survey techniques to learn about the perspectives of tourism in the city of Quevedo.
dc.descriptionEn algunos lugares del Ecuador, debido a la falta de información o publicidad de los atractivos turísticos, y a la poca difusión de los atractivos hace que las personas no se den cuenta de las bellezas ocultas dentro del país, por lo tanto, este problema surge por el desinterés y la poca organización en fomentar el desarrollo turístico de las diferentes escenarios naturales y culturales que proporciona la biodiversidad del Ecuador. El propósito de este estudio es desarrollar un plan de promoción turística para el cantón Quevedo, de esta manera ayudará a mejorar su visión turística y a su vez promover el desarrollo socioeconómico de sus habitantes y de la ciudad en su conjunto. Se encontró que Quevedo cuenta con una gran cantidad de atractivos turísticos y actividades por desarrollar, y algunas que aún no han sido promovidas, pero que harán un aporte significativo a su industria turística. Para la implementación del plan fue necesario realizar un análisis actual del turismo en el cantón, así como una investigación bibliográfica de sus atractivos y datos más importantes. El estudio se desarrolló a partir de métodos cualitativos y técnicas de encuesta para conocer las perspectivas del turismo de la ciudad Quevedo.
dc.format34 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectPlan de promoción
dc.titlePlan de promoción y su influencia en la imagen turística del cantón Quevedo, Provincia de Los Ríos año 2022

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