dc.contributorBernal Martínez, Elsa María
dc.creatorMonserrate Ramos, Alina Dayana
dc.descriptionHand-foot-mouth disease is caused by a highly transmissible infection caused by enterovirus 71 and Coxsackie A16. Transmission occurs by the fecal-oral route and through contaminated objects. This case study is based on a 4-year-old male pediatric patient with hand-foot-mouth disease who attended the clinic due to the appearance of painful vesicles on the oral mucosa, dysphagia, and rash on the upper extremities and lower. The clinical study intends to apply a nursing care process in a 4-year-old patient diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth disease, to perform nursing care that guarantees patient recovery The methods used in the study are observation, interview and exhaustive follow-up of the patient, emphasizing their personal and family history, complementary examinations, among others. On the other hand, the research makes an extensive review of bibliographies to correlate the information with the clinical picture. Finally, the results obtained during the execution of the case were the identification of its clinical manifestations through the physical examination, the creation of a nursing diagnosis and the execution of interventions taking into account the need for treatment.
dc.descriptionHand-foot-mouth disease is caused by a highly transmissible infection caused by enterovirus 71 and Coxsackie A16. Transmission occurs by the fecal-oral route and through contaminated objects. This case study is based on a 4-year-old male pediatric patient with hand-foot-mouth disease who attended the clinic due to the appearance of painful vesicles on the oral mucosa, dysphagia, and rash on the upper extremities and lower. The clinical study intends to apply a nursing care process in a 4-year-old patient diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth disease, to perform nursing care that guarantees patient recovery The methods used in the study are observation, interview and exhaustive follow-up of the patient, emphasizing their personal and family history, complementary examinations, among others. On the other hand, the research makes an extensive review of bibliographies to correlate the information with the clinical picture. Finally, the results obtained during the execution of the case were the identification of its clinical manifestations through the physical examination, the creation of a nursing diagnosis and the execution of interventions taking into account the need for treatment.
dc.descriptionLa enfermedad mano – pie – boca se produce por una infección altamente transmisible, causada por el enterovirus 71 y Coxsackie A16. La transmisión ocurre por ruta fecal-oral y por medio de objetos contaminados. El presente estudio de caso se basa en un paciente pediátrico de sexo masculino de 4 años de edad con enfermedad mano - pie - boca el cual acudió a la consulta por la aparición de vesículas dolorosas en la mucosa oral, disfagia y rash en extremidades superiores e inferiores. El estudio clínico pretende aplicar un proceso de atención de enfermería en un paciente de 4 años de edad diagnosticado con la enfermedad mano - pie – boca, para realizar cuidados de enfermería que garanticen la recuperación del paciente Los métodos empleados en el estudio son la observación, la entrevista y el seguimiento exhaustivo del paciente, enfatizando en sus antecedentes personales, familiares exámenes complementarios, entre otros. Por otra parte, la investigación empleó una revisión con extenso campo bibliográfico para correlacionar la información con el cuadro clínico. Por último, los resultados obtenidos durante la ejecución del caso fueron, la identificación de sus manifestaciones clínicas a través del examen fisco, la creación de un diagnóstico de enfermería y la ejecución de intervenciones tomando en cuenta su necesidad de tratamiento.
dc.format34 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectCaso clínico
dc.subjectEnfermedad mano – pie – boca
dc.subjectProceso Atención de Enfermería
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 4 años de edad con enfermedad mano – pie – boca.

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