dc.contributorHaz Cadena, Yomara Paola
dc.creatorBonilla Madrid, Jhon Deerek
dc.descriptionThe company Interfibra latam S.A.S., began its activities on March 1, 2021, this because they saw it as a good business in the pandemic due to the growing need that Babahoyenses families had, to have internet at home and that children, youth and adults could study, is an organization that operates in Traditional Telephony and Wimbrica Telecommunications, with its headquarters in the city of Babahoyo. The purpose of the case study is to raise awareness of the importance of managing costs and expenses within a company, since at the local level many companies are dedicated to the provision of internet services and many close their doors due to lack of knowledge about what costs they have, and that they are the ones that will affect the price to the final consumer in addition this work is viable because it was developed through an investigation, where knowledge acquired in the career was included and it is feasible because in the city of Babahoyo there are many companies of this nature, it is directed with the sub line of investigation of Audit and Control.
dc.descriptionThe company Interfibra latam S.A.S., began its activities on March 1, 2021, this because they saw it as a good business in the pandemic due to the growing need that Babahoyenses families had, to have internet at home and that children, youth and adults could study, is an organization that operates in Traditional Telephony and Wimbrica Telecommunications, with its headquarters in the city of Babahoyo. The purpose of the case study is to raise awareness of the importance of managing costs and expenses within a company, since at the local level many companies are dedicated to the provision of internet services and many close their doors due to lack of knowledge about what costs they have, and that they are the ones that will affect the price to the final consumer in addition this work is viable because it was developed through an investigation, where knowledge acquired in the career was included and it is feasible because in the city of Babahoyo there are many companies of this nature, it is directed with the sub line of investigation of Audit and Control.
dc.descriptionLa empresa Interfibra latam S.A.S., comenzó sus actividades el 1 de marzo del año 2021, esto porque lo vieron como un buen negocio en la pandemia por la creciente necesidad que tenían las familias babahoyenses, por tener internet en su domicilio y que los niños, jóvenes y adultos pudieran estudiar, es una organización que Opera en Telefonía Tradicional y Telecomunicaciones Alámbricas, con su sede principal en la ciudad de Babahoyo. La finalidad del estudio de caso es dar a conocer la importancia de realizar la gestión de los costos y gastos dentro de una empresa, puesto que a nivel local muchas empresas se dedican a la prestación de servicios de internet y muchas cierran sus puertas por la falta de conocimiento respecto a cuáles son los costos que tienen, y que son los que afectaran el precio al consumidor final además este trabajo es viable porque se lo desarrollo a través de una investigación, donde se incluyeron conocimientos adquiridos en la carrera y es factible porque en la ciudad de Babahoyo existen muchas empresas de esta índole, el mismo esta direccionada con la sub línea de investigación de Auditoría y Control.
dc.format36 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleGestión de costos y gastos de la empresa Interfibra Latam S.A.S. de la ciudad de Babahoyo durante el periodo 2021-2022.

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