dc.contributorAlcoser Cantuña, Fabian Eduardo
dc.creatorCabezas Orellana, Hugo Eliezer
dc.descriptionThis case study addresses the analysis for the design of a system to manage the employment and internship exchange at the Faculty of Administration, Finance and Informatics (FAFI) of the Technical University of Babahoyo, using the XP Programming methodology. The main objective is to provide students and graduates with access to job opportunities and companies with the possibility of selecting the most suitable candidates for their needs. Interviews with the coordinator of the faculty's employment exchange and surveys of graduates were carried out to identify the main requirements and needs of students and graduates, which allowed defining the essential functionalities and features of the proposed system. In addition, a database structure was designed, the main modules of the system were defined and the user interfaces were designed. The technical, economic and operational feasibility of the project was analyzed, concluding that it is viable and that its implementation could generate significant benefits for FAFI, its students and graduates, as well as for companies interested in hiring professionals trained at this institution. This case study has made it possible to develop a detailed analysis for an internship and employment exchange management system at FAFI, taking into account the needs and expectations of the actors involved and using a methodology appropriate to the project. The implementation of this system could generate significant benefits for FAFI, its students and graduates, and companies interested in hiring professionals trained at this institution.
dc.descriptionThis case study addresses the analysis for the design of a system to manage the employment and internship exchange at the Faculty of Administration, Finance and Informatics (FAFI) of the Technical University of Babahoyo, using the XP Programming methodology. The main objective is to provide students and graduates with access to job opportunities and companies with the possibility of selecting the most suitable candidates for their needs. Interviews with the coordinator of the faculty's employment exchange and surveys of graduates were carried out to identify the main requirements and needs of students and graduates, which allowed defining the essential functionalities and features of the proposed system. In addition, a database structure was designed, the main modules of the system were defined and the user interfaces were designed. The technical, economic and operational feasibility of the project was analyzed, concluding that it is viable and that its implementation could generate significant benefits for FAFI, its students and graduates, as well as for companies interested in hiring professionals trained at this institution. This case study has made it possible to develop a detailed analysis for an internship and employment exchange management system at FAFI, taking into account the needs and expectations of the actors involved and using a methodology appropriate to the project. The implementation of this system could generate significant benefits for FAFI, its students and graduates, and companies interested in hiring professionals trained at this institution.
dc.descriptionEste caso de estudio aborda el análisis para el diseño de un sistema que gestione la bolsa de empleo y pasantías en la Facultad de Administración, Finanzas e Informática (FAFI) de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, utilizando la metodología XP Programming. El objetivo principal es facilitar a los estudiantes y graduados el acceso a oportunidades laborales y a las empresas la posibilidad de seleccionar a los candidatos más adecuados para sus necesidades. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas a la coordinadora de la bolsa de empleo de la facultad y encuestas a los graduados para identificar los requisitos y necesidades principales de los estudiantes y graduados, lo cual permitió definir las funcionalidades y características esenciales del sistema propuesto. Además, se diseñó una estructura de base de datos, se definieron los módulos principales del sistema y se diseñaron las interfaces de usuario. Se analizaron las factibilidades técnica, económica y operativa del proyecto, concluyendo que es viable y que su implementación podría generar beneficios significativos para la FAFI, sus estudiantes y graduados, así como para las empresas interesadas en contratar a profesionales formados en esta institución. Este caso de estudio ha permitido desarrollar un análisis detallado para un sistema de gestión de bolsa de empleo y pasantías en la FAFI, tomando en cuenta las necesidades y expectativas de los actores involucrados y utilizando una metodología adecuada para el proyecto. La implementación de este sistema podría generar beneficios significativos para la FAFI, sus estudiantes y graduados, y las empresas interesadas en contratar a profesionales formados en esta institución.
dc.format46 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectXP Programming
dc.subjectBolsa de empleo
dc.titleAnálisis para el diseño de un sistema que gestione la bolsa de empleo y pasantías en la FAFI usando metodología XP Programming.

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