dc.contributorOnofre Zapata, Viviana
dc.creatorDelgado Jaramillo, Silvana Carolina
dc.descriptionThis case study has been evidenced in a public institution attached to the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works of the Republic of Ecuador, legally called since the year two thousand thirteen with the name of the Ecuadorian Transit Commission known by its acronym CTE, denoting institutional presence at the national level from the transition stage of the old Guayas Transit Commission known by the acronym CTG whose institutional presence originated at the provincial level. Considering a more efficient organizational structure, divided into levels by processes according to the purposes of institutional creation, the Organic Statute by Processes in force to date is created. The fundamental objective of this research work is based on identifying the internal and external factors of public management that affect the stages of the process carried out by the Human Talent Administration Directorate, the competent area for this particular case, to influence the regularization of the remuneration scale of human resources that has not been homologated since the institutional transition. For the investigative effect, the inductive and deductive methods have been applied, since it complies with the consequent phases that allow to determine a more concrete analysis and thus, contribute favorably with a viable alternative solution, from the external point of view as an author, who practiced as an official of the institution in 2019 for seven months, knowing that to date this case has not been solved and I have considered presenting an optional result from an intellectual basis.
dc.descriptionThis case study has been evidenced in a public institution attached to the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works of the Republic of Ecuador, legally called since the year two thousand thirteen with the name of the Ecuadorian Transit Commission known by its acronym CTE, denoting institutional presence at the national level from the transition stage of the old Guayas Transit Commission known by the acronym CTG whose institutional presence originated at the provincial level. Considering a more efficient organizational structure, divided into levels by processes according to the purposes of institutional creation, the Organic Statute by Processes in force to date is created. The fundamental objective of this research work is based on identifying the internal and external factors of public management that affect the stages of the process carried out by the Human Talent Administration Directorate, the competent area for this particular case, to influence the regularization of the remuneration scale of human resources that has not been homologated since the institutional transition. For the investigative effect, the inductive and deductive methods have been applied, since it complies with the consequent phases that allow to determine a more concrete analysis and thus, contribute favorably with a viable alternative solution, from the external point of view as an author, who practiced as an official of the institution in 2019 for seven months, knowing that to date this case has not been solved and I have considered presenting an optional result from an intellectual basis.
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio de caso, ha sido evidenciado en una institución pública adscrita al Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas de la República del Ecuador, denominado jurídicamente desde el año dos mil trece con el nombre de Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador conocida por sus siglas CTE, denotando presencia institucional a nivel nacional desde la etapa de transición de la antigua Comisión de Tránsito del Guayas conocida por las siglas CTG cuya presencia institucional se originó a nivel provincial. Considerando una estructura organizacional más eficiente, dividida en niveles por procesos acorde a los fines de creación institucional se crea el Estatuto Orgánico por Procesos vigente hasta la actualidad. El objetivo fundamental del presente trabajo de investigación, se basa en identificar los factores internos y externos de la gestión pública que inciden en las etapas del proceso llevado a cabo desde la Dirección de Administración del Talento Humano, área competente a este caso en particular, para influir en la regularización de la escala remunerativa del recurso humano que no ha sido homologado desde la transición institucional. Para el efecto investigativo, han sido aplicados los métodos inductivo y deductivo, por cuanto cumple las fases consecuentes que permiten determinar un análisis más concreto y así, aportar favorablemente con una alternativa de solución viable, desde el punto de vista externo como autora, quien ejerció como funcionaria de la institución en el año 2019 durante siete meses, conociendo que hasta la fecha actual no ha sido solventado este caso y he considerado presentar un resultado opcional desde un fundamento intelectual.
dc.format31 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectGestión pública
dc.subjectTalento Humano
dc.subjectRegularización de Escala Remunerativa
dc.titleGestión pública y su influencia en la regularización de la escala remunerativa del talento humano en la Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador

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