dc.contributorIzurieta Puente, Maricela
dc.creatorLarrosa Ureña, Israel Andrés
dc.descriptionThis present case study is carried out in order to identify the attractiveness factors to improve the quality of the tourist services of the Ventanas canton, it is sought to evaluate each of its areas to know if the basic tourist services such as; lodging, transportation, food and key tourist information provide tourists with a quality service. The attractiveness factors are the elements that influence and allow the proper use of tourist services while the quality of a tourist service is one of the most important aspects in tourism so that it seeks to offer something in order to meet the needs of the tourist through the services provided. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and observational research, by performing the survey technique applied to the inhabitants of the Ventanas canton and with the help of the questionnaire, this contributed positively to the research, the inhabitants express their disagreement and demotivation when talking about tourism and the quality of tourism services in the local sector, contributing positively to the case study raised possible solutions such as; incentivize the authorities to participate in tourism projects, create work places, increase interest in providing a quality tourist service through participatory talks or workshops to increase the tourism development of the Ventanas canton.
dc.descriptionThis present case study is carried out in order to identify the attractiveness factors to improve the quality of the tourist services of the Ventanas canton, it is sought to evaluate each of its areas to know if the basic tourist services such as; lodging, transportation, food and key tourist information provide tourists with a quality service. The attractiveness factors are the elements that influence and allow the proper use of tourist services while the quality of a tourist service is one of the most important aspects in tourism so that it seeks to offer something in order to meet the needs of the tourist through the services provided. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and observational research, by performing the survey technique applied to the inhabitants of the Ventanas canton and with the help of the questionnaire, this contributed positively to the research, the inhabitants express their disagreement and demotivation when talking about tourism and the quality of tourism services in the local sector, contributing positively to the case study raised possible solutions such as; incentivize the authorities to participate in tourism projects, create work places, increase interest in providing a quality tourist service through participatory talks or workshops to increase the tourism development of the Ventanas canton.
dc.descriptionEste presente estudio de caso es realizado con el fin de identificar los factores de atractividad para mejorar la calidad de los servicios turísticos del cantón Ventanas, se busca evaluar cada una de sus áreas para saber si los servicios turísticos básicos como; hospedaje, transporte, alimentación e información turística clave brindan al turista un servicio de calidad. Los factores de atractividad son los elementos influyen y permiten el uso adecuado de los servicios turísticos mientras que la calidad de un servicio turístico es uno de los aspectos más importantes en el turismo de manera que busca ofrecer algo con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades del turista a través de los servicios brindados. La metodología empleada fue la investigación descriptiva, explicativa y de observación, mediante la realización la técnica aplicada es la documental y la encuesta aplicada a los habitantes del cantón Ventanas y con la ayuda del cuestionario, esto aporto de manera positiva a la investigación, los habitantes expresan su inconformidad y desmotivación al momento de hablar del turismo y de la calidad de los servicios turísticos del sector local, aportando de manera positiva al estudio de caso plantearon posibles soluciones como son; incentivar a las autoridades a participar en proyectos turísticos, crear plazas de trabajo, incrementar el interés en brindar un servicio turístico de calidad mediante charlas o talleres participativos para aumentar el desarrollo turístico del cantón Ventanas.
dc.format28 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectFactores de atractividad
dc.subjectCalidad de los servicios turísticos
dc.subjectInformación turística clave
dc.subjectDesarrollo turístico
dc.titleFactores de atractividad y calidad de los servicios turísticos del cantón Ventanas

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