dc.contributorÁlvarez Gutiérrez, Marcela Leonor
dc.creatorZambrano Gaibor, Jeniffer Leonor
dc.descriptionThe project established for scientific, methodological and experimental research, contains semblance and important aspects for the application and execution in the teaching-learning process, with Montessori didactic material for Initial Grade students; taking advantage of their ability to interpret, analyze one of the most accepted activities of children such as play-work in a simple way. The present project was applied in the Initial Grade of the "Francisco Huerta Rendon" Educational Unit of the Babahoyo Canton, after locating the situation of the problem by the observed investigation that is exposed in the infants; such as obtaining new learning, establishing direct objectives that can be carried out with the elaboration of the didactic material. It is supported in a theoretical and practical way in a scientific, methodological and experimental field, through reports, references and reports obtained from technical authors on the subject of research and inquiry; which was important for the creation of Montessori teaching material that stimulates the teaching-learning process in infants. The authenticity of the current activities is based on the deficiencies that were interpreted when observing the development in the daily day, due to the lack of adequate didactic material, which was an inconvenience for the teacher when stimulating the appropriate interests in the infants to undertake the process. Teaching-learning Reaching a certain conclusion in manufacturing and applying Montessori teaching materials, making using something different more effective, fun and considerable for infants.
dc.descriptionThe project established for scientific, methodological and experimental research, contains semblance and important aspects for the application and execution in the teaching-learning process, with Montessori didactic material for Initial Grade students; taking advantage of their ability to interpret, analyze one of the most accepted activities of children such as play-work in a simple way. The present project was applied in the Initial Grade of the "Francisco Huerta Rendon" Educational Unit of the Babahoyo Canton, after locating the situation of the problem by the observed investigation that is exposed in the infants; such as obtaining new learning, establishing direct objectives that can be carried out with the elaboration of the didactic material. It is supported in a theoretical and practical way in a scientific, methodological and experimental field, through reports, references and reports obtained from technical authors on the subject of research and inquiry; which was important for the creation of Montessori teaching material that stimulates the teaching-learning process in infants. The authenticity of the current activities is based on the deficiencies that were interpreted when observing the development in the daily day, due to the lack of adequate didactic material, which was an inconvenience for the teacher when stimulating the appropriate interests in the infants to undertake the process. Teaching-learning Reaching a certain conclusion in manufacturing and applying Montessori teaching materials, making using something different more effective, fun and considerable for infants.
dc.descriptionEl proyecto establecido para la investigación científica, metodológica y experimental, contiene aspectos semblantes e importantes para la aplicación y la ejecutar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, con material didáctico Montessori para los estudiantes de Grado Inicial; aprovechando su capacidad de interpretar, analizar una de las actividades de más aceptación de los niños como es el juego-trabajo de una forma sencilla. El presente proyecto se aplicó en el Grado Inicial de la Unidad Educativa “Francisco Huerta Rendón” del Cantón Babahoyo, luego de localizar la situación del problema por la investigación observada que se exponen en los infantes; como la obtención de nuevos aprendizajes, estableciendo objetivos directos que se puedan llevar a cabo con la elaboración del material didáctico. Está sostenido de modo teórico y práctico en un ámbito científico, metodológico y experimental, a través de informes, referencias y reportes obtenidos de autores técnicos en el tema de investigación e indagación; lo cual fue importante para la creación del material didáctico Montessori que estimule el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en los infantes. La autenticidad de las actuales actividades se fundamenta en las carencias que se interpretó al observar el desarrollo en la jornada diaria, por la falta del material didáctico adecuado lo cual era una inconveniente para la profesora al estimular los intereses apropiado en los infantes para emprender el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje Llegando a una conclusión determinada en fabricar y aplicar los materiales didácticos Montessori, logrando que al utilizar algo diferente sea más eficaz, divertido y considerable para los infantes.
dc.format36 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectMétodo Montessori
dc.subjectMateriales didáctico
dc.subjectEnseñanza - aprendizaje
dc.titleAplicación del método montessori en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de educación inicial

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