dc.contributorLoor Loor, José Indalindo
dc.creatorChávez Rodríguez, Noeli Lisbeth
dc.descriptionWhat an assisted reproduction biotechnology program seeks is to improve the productive and reproductive rates of a herd, with the consequent increase in pregnancy rates and decrease in open days, but there are factors that can affect the results of the programs. of IATF, such as the lack of minerals and vitamins, which act as antioxidants and defend the body from the increase in free radicals that occurs due to oxidative damage, generated by the stress of adaptation as a result of the handling and application of the FTAI protocols. The objective of this work is to provide and generate information about the effect of the use of minerals and vitamins in the IATF protocols, on the percentage of pregnancies. For the development of this topic, bibliographic information is compiled from journals and scientific articles, books and symposiums. This bibliographical research, together with the cited research, allows us to demonstrate that the use of minerals and vitamins applied in artificial insemination protocols improves the pregnancy rate by increasing embryonic survival, which is why it is determined that this antioxidant kit has a positive impact on pregnancy. Although it is assumed that an animal with good physiological conditions has sufficient antioxidant defenses to counteract oxidative damage, in stressful situations of adaptation, these defenses may be insufficient. It is in these cases that parenteral supplementation with vitamins and minerals with antioxidant action can be beneficial and improve the productive and reproductive parameters of a herd.
dc.descriptionWhat an assisted reproduction biotechnology program seeks is to improve the productive and reproductive rates of a herd, with the consequent increase in pregnancy rates and decrease in open days, but there are factors that can affect the results of the programs. of IATF, such as the lack of minerals and vitamins, which act as antioxidants and defend the body from the increase in free radicals that occurs due to oxidative damage, generated by the stress of adaptation as a result of the handling and application of the FTAI protocols. The objective of this work is to provide and generate information about the effect of the use of minerals and vitamins in the IATF protocols, on the percentage of pregnancies. For the development of this topic, bibliographic information is compiled from journals and scientific articles, books and symposiums. This bibliographical research, together with the cited research, allows us to demonstrate that the use of minerals and vitamins applied in artificial insemination protocols improves the pregnancy rate by increasing embryonic survival, which is why it is determined that this antioxidant kit has a positive impact on pregnancy. Although it is assumed that an animal with good physiological conditions has sufficient antioxidant defenses to counteract oxidative damage, in stressful situations of adaptation, these defenses may be insufficient. It is in these cases that parenteral supplementation with vitamins and minerals with antioxidant action can be beneficial and improve the productive and reproductive parameters of a herd.
dc.descriptionLo que busca un programa de biotecnología asistida en la reproducción, es mejorar los índice productivos y reproductivos de un hato, con el consecuente aumento de los porcentajes de preñes y disminución de los días abiertos, pero existen factores que pueden afectar los resultados de los programas de IATF, como es la carencia de los minerales y vitaminas, los cuales actúan como antioxidantes y defiende al organismos del aumento de los radicales libres que se da por el daño oxidativo, generado por el estrés de adaptación en consecuencia al manejo y aplicación de los protocolos de IATF. El objetivo de este trabajo es brindar y generar información acerca del efecto del uso de minerales y vitaminas en los protocolos de IATF, sobre el porcentaje de preñes. Para el desarrollo del presente tema se recopilo información bibliográfica de revistas y artículos científicos, libros y simposios. Esta investigación bibliográfica junto con las investigaciones citadas permite demostrar que el uso de minerales y vitaminas aplicadas en protocolos de inseminación artificial mejora el índice de preñez elevando la supervivencia embrionaria, por lo cual se determina que este kit antioxidante tiene un impacto positivo sobre la gestación. Si bien se asume que un animal con buenas condiciones fisiológica posee defensas antioxidantes suficientes como para contrarrestar el daño oxidativo, ante situaciones estresantes de adaptación, estas defensas pueden resultar insuficientes. En estos casos es cuando la suplementación parenteral con vitaminas y minerales con acción antioxidante puede resultar beneficiosa y mejorar parámetros productivos y reproductivos de un hato.
dc.format29 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectRadicales libres
dc.subjectDaño oxidativo
dc.titleEfecto de minerales y vitaminas en protocolos de inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF), como mejoradores de la gestación en vacas.

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