dc.contributorNaranjo Torres, Norge Belisario
dc.creatorAndagana García, Ángel Stony
dc.descriptionPseudomyopia is a myopia that is produced by an excess of fixation of the sight in close distances. In fact, it is known as false myopia, because it creates distance vision difficulties. Regardless of the work done by patients, it is a fairly common condition, for this reason and in order to provide an accurate diagnosis, studies are necessary to determine their condition. In order to avoid the creation of artificial myopia, it is recommended that patients undergo regular medical check-ups and the implementation of visual therapies in order to obtain relief from the discomfort caused.
dc.descriptionPseudomyopia is a myopia that is produced by an excess of fixation of the sight in close distances. In fact, it is known as false myopia, because it creates distance vision difficulties. Regardless of the work done by patients, it is a fairly common condition, for this reason and in order to provide an accurate diagnosis, studies are necessary to determine their condition. In order to avoid the creation of artificial myopia, it is recommended that patients undergo regular medical check-ups and the implementation of visual therapies in order to obtain relief from the discomfort caused.
dc.descriptionLa pseudomiopía se produce por un exceso de fijación de la vista en distancias cercanas. De hecho, se conoce como falsa miopía, porque crea dificultades en la visión de lejos. Independiente del trabajo realizado por los pacientes es una afección bastante común, por tal razón y con el fin de brindar un acertado diagnóstico es necesario realizar estudios para determinar su padecimiento. Con el fin de evitar la creación de una miopía artificial lo recomendable es que los pacientes se realicen chequeos médicos de manera regular y la implementación de terapias visuales con el fin de obtener alivio ante las molestias causadas
dc.format55 p
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectTerapia Visual
dc.titlePseudomiopía en paciente masculino de 38 años de edad.

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