dc.contributorUrquiza Mendoza, Liliana Ivett
dc.creatorMuñoz Alarcón, Angie Katherine
dc.descriptionIn the present research work we will announce how a radio program influences the cultural development of the young people of the Parroquia 10 de Noviembre, in the analysis of the general problem we have the importance of promoting values such as personal commitment, solidarity, responsibility , providing them with artistic and cultural activities that strengthen their development through radio content. The objectives developed during the investigations show us how young people tell us about educational cultural radio programs, they do not have cultural knowledge, they have problems relating to people from other cultures, that is why we will try to know the advantages and disadvantages of cultural development. This study indicates the proposals that we will give is a timely and quality cultural radio content for adolescents, Its purpose is to promote culture in young people so that they can relate to different cultures, through radio content, we will publicize cultural activities that allow generate bonds of union between members of the same community customs, traditions and rituals knowledge from generation to generation; through art, poetry, music, clothing, theater, literature, working to facilitate access to a quality cultural and educational environment.
dc.descriptionIn the present research work we will announce how a radio program influences the cultural development of the young people of the Parroquia 10 de Noviembre, in the analysis of the general problem we have the importance of promoting values such as personal commitment, solidarity, responsibility , providing them with artistic and cultural activities that strengthen their development through radio content. The objectives developed during the investigations show us how young people tell us about educational cultural radio programs, they do not have cultural knowledge, they have problems relating to people from other cultures, that is why we will try to know the advantages and disadvantages of cultural development. This study indicates the proposals that we will give is a timely and quality cultural radio content for adolescents, Its purpose is to promote culture in young people so that they can relate to different cultures, through radio content, we will publicize cultural activities that allow generate bonds of union between members of the same community customs, traditions and rituals knowledge from generation to generation; through art, poetry, music, clothing, theater, literature, working to facilitate access to a quality cultural and educational environment.
dc.descriptionEn el presente trabajo de investigación, daremos a conocer como un Programa radial influye en él desarrollo cultural de los jóvenes de la Parroquia 10 de noviembre, en el análisis del problema general, tenemos la importancia de fomentar valores como el empeño personal, la solidaridad, la responsabilidad, brindándoles actividades artísticas y culturales que fortalezcan su desarrollo por medio de contenidos radiales. Los objetivos desarrollados durante las investigaciones, nos muestra como los jovenes nos cuentan con programas radial cultural educativo, no tienen conocimiento cultural, tienen problemas con relacionarse con personas de otras culturas es por eso que taremos a conocer las ventajas y desventajas del desarrollo cultural. Este estudio indica las propuestas que daremos es un contenido radial cultural oportunos y de calidad para adolescentes, Su propósito es fomentar la cultura en los jóvenes para que puedan relacionarse con diferentes culturas, por medio de contenidos radiales, daremos a conocer, actividades culturales que permitan generar lazos de unión entre miembros de una misma comunidad costumbres, tradiciones y rituales conocimiento de generación en generación; a través del arte la poesía la música, la vestimenta el teatro, la literatura, trabajar para facilitar el acceso a una cultural y educativa de calidad.
dc.format32 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectContenido radial
dc.titleContenido radial y su impacto en el desarrollo cultural de los jóvenes de la Parroquia 10 de Noviembre del cantón Ventanas, año 2022

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