dc.contributorPazmiño Pérez, Álvaro
dc.creatorBeltran Espin, Freddy Fernando
dc.descriptionCoffee cultivation is a perennial plant with a tropical climate that originated on the African continent and the Madagascar region. In Ecuador Coffea canephora of the Congolese and Conilon types is cultivated. Coffee is of great economic and political importance to many developing countries, and coffee exports in turn play a substantial part in the economy, where the cultivation, processing, trade, transport and marketing of coffee provides employment for millions of people. in the world. The main coffee producing provinces are El Oro, Manabí, Loja, Guayas, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Orellana and Zamora Chinchipe. In coffee cultivation the main pest that affects is the leaf miner is that it is concentrated in low, hot producing areas, with little rainfall and little shade. The leaf miner is considered a phytophagous insect of the order Lepidoptera that causes defoliation in coffee trees. When it is in the larval stage, it is housed inside the leaf, feeding on the tissue and forming visible galleries in the bundle, therefore, the greatest attack occurs in dry seasons, causing severe damage. The main objective of this document was to determine the Management and prevention of the leaf miner (Perileucoptera coffeella) in the coffee crop (Coffea arabica) ”at the Chacarita farm. The work was carried out on the farm located in the Los Ríos province of the Ventanas canton. In the Chacarita coffee plantation, damage and control of the leaf miner was observed, which manifests itself in the crop, interfering in its production and marketing. The plantation technicians, during the visit, mentioned to us that this insect entered Ecuador in 1935 as a host in a coffee plant. And in the event that there is no good cultural control in the plantation, the fruits may be affected. The technicians in charge of the plantation indicate that the natural control carried out by parasitoids such as Tetrastichus sp. Which should be taken into account before a chemical control. The administrator of the farm mentioned that currently the coffee is not on a high commercialization scale, therefore the intervention of institutions is required
dc.descriptionCoffee cultivation is a perennial plant with a tropical climate that originated on the African continent and the Madagascar region. In Ecuador Coffea canephora of the Congolese and Conilon types is cultivated. Coffee is of great economic and political importance to many developing countries, and coffee exports in turn play a substantial part in the economy, where the cultivation, processing, trade, transport and marketing of coffee provides employment for millions of people. in the world. The main coffee producing provinces are El Oro, Manabí, Loja, Guayas, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Orellana and Zamora Chinchipe. In coffee cultivation the main pest that affects is the leaf miner is that it is concentrated in low, hot producing areas, with little rainfall and little shade. The leaf miner is considered a phytophagous insect of the order Lepidoptera that causes defoliation in coffee trees. When it is in the larval stage, it is housed inside the leaf, feeding on the tissue and forming visible galleries in the bundle, therefore, the greatest attack occurs in dry seasons, causing severe damage. The main objective of this document was to determine the Management and prevention of the leaf miner (Perileucoptera coffeella) in the coffee crop (Coffea arabica) ”at the Chacarita farm. The work was carried out on the farm located in the Los Ríos province of the Ventanas canton. In the Chacarita coffee plantation, damage and control of the leaf miner was observed, which manifests itself in the crop, interfering in its production and marketing. The plantation technicians, during the visit, mentioned to us that this insect entered Ecuador in 1935 as a host in a coffee plant. And in the event that there is no good cultural control in the plantation, the fruits may be affected. The technicians in charge of the plantation indicate that the natural control carried out by parasitoids such as Tetrastichus sp. Which should be taken into account before a chemical control. The administrator of the farm mentioned that currently the coffee is not on a high commercialization scale, therefore the intervention of institutions is required
dc.descriptionEl cultivo de café es una planta perenne de clima tropical que se originó en el continente Africano y de la región de Madagascar. En el Ecuador se cultiva (Coffea canephora) de los tipos congolesis y Conilon. El café tiene una gran importancia económica y en la política para muchos países en desarrollo y a su vez las exportaciones del café presentan una parte sustancial en la economía, donde el cultivo, procesamiento, comercio, transporte y comercialización del café proporciona empleo a millones de personas en el mundo. Las principales provincias productoras de café se encuentra El Oro, Manabí, Loja, Guayas, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Orellana y Zamora Chinchipe. En cultivo de café la principal plaga que afecta es el minador de hoja es que se concentra en zonas productoras bajas, calurosas, de poca precipitación pluvial y poco sombreadas. El minador de la hoja es considerado como un insecto fitófago del orden Lepidoptera que provoca defoliaciones en los cafetos. Cuando se encuentra es estado larval, este se hospeda en el interior de la hoja alimentándose del tejido y formando galerías visibles en el haz, por lo tanto, el mayor ataque ocurre en las épocas secas provocando severas afectaciones. El objetivo principal de este documento fue determinar Manejo y prevención del minador de la hoja (Perileucoptera coffeella) en el cultivo de café (Coffea arabica)” en la hacienda Chacarita. El trabajo fue elaborado en la finca ubicada en la provincia de Los Ríos del cantón Ventanas. En la hacienda cafetalera Chacarita, se observó daños y control del minador de la hoja el cual se manifiesta en el cultivo, interfiriendo en su producción y comercialización. Los técnicos de la plantación, durante la visita nos mencionaron que este insecto ingreso al Ecuador en el año de 1935 como hospedero en una planta de café. Y en el caso de que no exista un buen control cultural en la plantación, los frutos se pueden ver afectados. Los técnicos encargados de la plantación indican que se debe favorecer el control natural realizado por parasitoides como (Tetrastichus sp.) Lo cual se debe tener en cuenta antes de un control químico. El administrador de la finca mencionó que en la actualidad el café no está en una escala de comercialización alta, por lo cual se requiere la intervención de instituciones.
dc.format28 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectmanejo integrado
dc.titleManejo y prevención del minador de la hoja (Perileucoptera coffeella), en el cultivo de café, en la hacienda Chacarita

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