dc.contributorCarrasco Echeverría, Gina Maribel
dc.creatorChonillo Amaiquema, Steeven Alonso
dc.descriptionThe case study arises due to the considerable level of delinquency presented by the members of the Juan Pio De Mora Ltda. Savings and Credit Cooperative, Babahoyo branch, making it difficult to recover the portfolio effectively. The institution is located in the it offers its partners services in the financial area destined to satisfy needs in commerce, agriculture, production, education, housing, pharmacy and investment, it also offers credits for consumption in microenterprise and housing; and microcredits. There are several requirements that a member of the cooperative must meet in order to access a loan of any kind, among these is the ability to pay and they have the greatest problems for recovering the cooperative's portfolio, Some of the partners at the time of presenting the documentation required by the credit and collection officers who are in charge of analyzing the application, find the way to appear fit to make the payment of dividends in time and amount agreed, but when the date does not You can fulfill the responsibility since your income does not cover all the expenses that you present. According to the surveys and interviews applied to the credit and collection officers and the chief operating officer, respectively, it was obtained that the cooperative offers its new members credits of $ 1000 (One thousand US dollars), once this credit was canceled, the cooperative would It grants a new credit for $ 2000 (Two thousand US dollars) It is from this second credit where the members present greater delays in the payment of dues, some justify their arrears for various reasons but, others the only reason why they do not cancel his credit is for lack of will. Currently, the Juan Pio de Mora Ltda. Savings and Credit Cooperative, Babahoyo branch presents a considerable level of non-performing loans, which has increased with the passing of the months, this is due to a deficiency in the administrative part, in terms of the management of collections that is carried out and also due to the lack of responsibility and commitment of the members with the institution that offered their help when granting them a loan, these reasons make the Cooperative present a low profitability index that prevents it continue to operate normally
dc.descriptionThe case study arises due to the considerable level of delinquency presented by the members of the Juan Pio De Mora Ltda. Savings and Credit Cooperative, Babahoyo branch, making it difficult to recover the portfolio effectively. The institution is located in the it offers its partners services in the financial area destined to satisfy needs in commerce, agriculture, production, education, housing, pharmacy and investment, it also offers credits for consumption in microenterprise and housing; and microcredits. There are several requirements that a member of the cooperative must meet in order to access a loan of any kind, among these is the ability to pay and they have the greatest problems for recovering the cooperative's portfolio, Some of the partners at the time of presenting the documentation required by the credit and collection officers who are in charge of analyzing the application, find the way to appear fit to make the payment of dividends in time and amount agreed, but when the date does not You can fulfill the responsibility since your income does not cover all the expenses that you present. According to the surveys and interviews applied to the credit and collection officers and the chief operating officer, respectively, it was obtained that the cooperative offers its new members credits of $ 1000 (One thousand US dollars), once this credit was canceled, the cooperative would It grants a new credit for $ 2000 (Two thousand US dollars) It is from this second credit where the members present greater delays in the payment of dues, some justify their arrears for various reasons but, others the only reason why they do not cancel his credit is for lack of will. Currently, the Juan Pio de Mora Ltda. Savings and Credit Cooperative, Babahoyo branch presents a considerable level of non-performing loans, which has increased with the passing of the months, this is due to a deficiency in the administrative part, in terms of the management of collections that is carried out and also due to the lack of responsibility and commitment of the members with the institution that offered their help when granting them a loan, these reasons make the Cooperative present a low profitability index that prevents it continue to operate normally
dc.descriptionEl caso de estudio surge debido al considerable nivel de morosidad que presentan los socios de la Cooperativa de ahorro y Crédito Juan Pio De Mora Ltda., sucursal Babahoyo por lo que se dificulta la recuperación de cartera de manera efectiva. La institución se encuentra ubicada en la brinda a sus socios servicios en el área financiera destinados a satisfacer necesidades en el comercio, la agricultura, la producción, educación, vivienda farmacia e inversión, también ofrece créditos para el consumo en microempresa y vivienda; y microcréditos. Son varios los requisitos que un socio de la cooperativa debe de cumplir para poder acceder a un crédito de cualquier tipo, entre estos se encuentra la capacidad de pago que tienen y es en donde mayor problemas se presenta para la recuperación de cartera de la cooperativa, algunos de los socios al momento de presentar la documentación requerida por los oficiales de créditos y cobranzas que se encargan del análisis de la solicitud, encuentra la forma de parecer apto para realizar el pago de dividendos en tiempo y monto acordado pero al llegar la fecha no puede cumplir con la responsabilidad ya que sus ingresos no alcanzan a cubrir todos los gastos que presenta. Según las encuestas y entrevistas aplicada a los oficiales de crédito y cobranza y al Jefe operativo respectivamente, se obtuvo que la cooperativa a sus nuevos socios ofrece créditos por el valor de $1000(Un mil dólares Americanos), una vez cancelado este crédito la cooperativa le concede un nuevo crédito por $2000 (Dos mil dólares Americanos) es a partir de este segundo crédito donde los socios presentan mayores atrasos en el pago de las cuotas, unos justifican sus atrasos por diversos motivos pero, otros la única razón por la que no cancelan su crédito es por falta de voluntad. Actualmente la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Juan Pio de Mora Ltda., sucursal Babahoyo presenta un nivel de morosidad considerable, mismo que se ha visto incrementado con el pasar de los meses, esto se debe tanto a deficiencia en la parte administrativa, en cuanto a la gestión de cobranzas que se lleva a cabo y también por falta de responsabilidad y compromiso de los socios con la institución que le brindo su ayuda al momento de concederles un crédito, estas razones hacen que la Cooperativa presente un bajo índice de rentabilidad que le impide seguir operando con normalidad
dc.format25 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo, UTB - FAFI 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectRecuperación de cartera
dc.subjectCapacidad de pago
dc.titleRecuperación de Cartera en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Juan Pio de Mora Ltda. Sucursal Babahoyo

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