dc.contributorPeñafiel Nivela, Gonzalo
dc.creatorMeza Figueroa, Isrrael Neptali
dc.descriptionThe present investigation entitled Hierarchy of tourist attractions of the Quevedo canton, its importance in the tourist promotion of wholesale operators, allows to establish a file and registration of the tourist attractions that are considered products to serve visitors, in addition to the characterization and hierarchies of these before the administration of them. Through an analysis, diagnosis and application of the MINTUR (Ministry of Tourism) methodology, we proceed to identify relevant information on attractions, importance, history, accessibility, tourist facilities and security. In this way we proceed to formalize sites that provide security to the passenger or visitor. At the end, a signing of the sites and attractions that are in tourist use within this city is proposed.
dc.descriptionThe present investigation entitled Hierarchy of tourist attractions of the Quevedo canton, its importance in the tourist promotion of wholesale operators, allows to establish a file and registration of the tourist attractions that are considered products to serve visitors, in addition to the characterization and hierarchies of these before the administration of them. Through an analysis, diagnosis and application of the MINTUR (Ministry of Tourism) methodology, we proceed to identify relevant information on attractions, importance, history, accessibility, tourist facilities and security. In this way we proceed to formalize sites that provide security to the passenger or visitor. At the end, a signing of the sites and attractions that are in tourist use within this city is proposed.
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación titulada Jerarquización de atractivos turísticos del cantón Quevedo, su importancia en la promoción turística de operadoras mayoristas, permite establecer un archivo y fichaje de los atractivos turísticos que se consideran productos para atender visitantes, además de la caracterización y jerarquías de estos ante la administración de los mismos. Por medio de un análisis, diagnóstico y aplicación de metodología de MINTUR (Ministerio de Turismo), se procede a identificar información relevante sobre atractivos, importancia, historia, accesibilidad, facilidades turísticas y seguridad. De esta manera se procede a formalizar sitios que brinden seguridad al pasajero o visitante. Al finalizar se plantea un fichaje de los sitios y atractivos que están en vigencia turística dentro de esta ciudad.
dc.format28 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectAtractivos turísticos
dc.titleJerarquización de atractivos turísticos del cantón Quevedo, su importancia en la promoción turística de operadoras mayoristas

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