dc.contributorBecilla, Leticia
dc.creatorLoayza Castillo, Estefania Isabel
dc.descriptionThe present case study in which its general objective is to analyze the colorimetry in the audiovisual language of the Ecuavisa informative programs, in which we will know in a technical way how a certain type of color is chosen for the expression of a visual harmony in a study recording or Set of a program. Observing and paying attention to it in an analytical way has elements that make up a newscast as such helps us to determine certain details to which we are not paying attention. The colorimetry compositions in the audiovisual language of the informative programs allow to give a deeper explanation of the elements that compose it, color is the main one with the help of lighting these two compositions visually allow and help a set to have a harmony perfectly balanced visual to the human eye. Within the analytical interpretations we must bear in mind that the viewers are not experts on the subject of colorimetry and that is why within the case study it will be the professionals on the subject to give us the respective analysis of this case study. It is important to know that if there are people who are dedicated to handling all these elements from a more technical part in order to have a better understanding of it.
dc.descriptionThe present case study in which its general objective is to analyze the colorimetry in the audiovisual language of the Ecuavisa informative programs, in which we will know in a technical way how a certain type of color is chosen for the expression of a visual harmony in a study recording or Set of a program. Observing and paying attention to it in an analytical way has elements that make up a newscast as such helps us to determine certain details to which we are not paying attention. The colorimetry compositions in the audiovisual language of the informative programs allow to give a deeper explanation of the elements that compose it, color is the main one with the help of lighting these two compositions visually allow and help a set to have a harmony perfectly balanced visual to the human eye. Within the analytical interpretations we must bear in mind that the viewers are not experts on the subject of colorimetry and that is why within the case study it will be the professionals on the subject to give us the respective analysis of this case study. It is important to know that if there are people who are dedicated to handling all these elements from a more technical part in order to have a better understanding of it.
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio de caso en el que su objetivo es analizar la colorimetría en el lenguaje audiovisual de los programas informativos de Ecuavisa, en el cual se conocerá de manera técnica cómo se escoge cierto tipo de color para la expresión de una armonía visual en un estudio de grabación o set de un programa de televisión. El observar y prestarle atención de forma analítica a elementos que conforman un noticiero como tal ayuda a determinar ciertos detalles a los que no se presta atención. Las composiciones de la colorimetría en el lenguaje audiovisual de los programas informativos permiten dar una explicación mas profunda de sus elementos, el color es la principal con la ayuda de la iluminación estas dos composiciones visualmente permiten y ayudan que un set tenga una armonía visual perfectamente equilibrada para el ojo humano. Dentro de las interpretaciones analíticas se tiene en cuenta que los espectadores no son expertos en el tema de la colorimetría y es por eso que dentro del caso de estudio serán los profesionales en el tema quienes aportan al análisis de este estudio de caso. Es importante saber que si hay personas que se dedican a manejar todos estos elementos desde una parte más técnica para poder tener un mejor entendimiento del mismo.
dc.format22 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectLenguaje audiovisual
dc.subjectArmonía visual
dc.titleAnálisis de la colorimetría en el lenguaje audiovisual de los programas informativos de Ecuavisa

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