dc.contributorJordán Cordones, Freddy Maximiliano
dc.creatorVerdesoto Mendoza, Ricardo Geovanny
dc.descriptionMany users choose Windows, believing that it is the only operating system and other users think that GNU/Linux systems are for people with enough knowledge of technology, although this is true there are several systems oriented towards the average user; but the moment they try one, they try the wrong system, leading to a bad experience, because few GNU/Linux systems are intended for the desktop. Virtually all programs released today are compatible with Windows, it is not uncommon for there not to be a compatible version for GNU/Linux systems, since the development effort involved would be too great, for a small audience, generating losses for the developers of software. GNU/Linux has gained popularity, because it is considered to be particularly stable and adaptable, while Windows tries to hide as many system settings as possible, with GNU/Linux everything is accessible, users with the right knowledge have much more freedom.
dc.descriptionMany users choose Windows, believing that it is the only operating system and other users think that GNU/Linux systems are for people with enough knowledge of technology, although this is true there are several systems oriented towards the average user; but the moment they try one, they try the wrong system, leading to a bad experience, because few GNU/Linux systems are intended for the desktop. Virtually all programs released today are compatible with Windows, it is not uncommon for there not to be a compatible version for GNU/Linux systems, since the development effort involved would be too great, for a small audience, generating losses for the developers of software. GNU/Linux has gained popularity, because it is considered to be particularly stable and adaptable, while Windows tries to hide as many system settings as possible, with GNU/Linux everything is accessible, users with the right knowledge have much more freedom.
dc.descriptionMuchos usuarios eligen Windows, creyendo que es el único sistema operativo y otros usuarios piensan que los sistemas GNU/Linux, son para gente con bastantes conocimientos en tecnología, si bien esto es cierto existen varios sistemas orientados para el usuario promedio; pero al instante de probar alguno prueban el sistema equivocado llevándose una mala vivencia, debido a que son pocos los sistemas GNU/Linux destinados para el escritorio. Prácticamente todos los programas lanzados hoy en día son compatibles con Windows, no es raro que no haya una versión compatible para los sistemas GNU/Linux, ya que el esfuerzo de desarrollo involucrado sería demasiado grande, para un público pequeño generando pérdidas a las desarrolladoras de software. GNU/Linux ha ganado adeptos, porque se considera que es particularmente estable y adaptable, mientras que Windows, intenta ocultar la mayor cantidad posible de configuraciones del sistema, con GNU/Linux todo es accesible, los usuarios con los conocimientos adecuados tienen mucha más libertad.
dc.format22 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleEstudio comparativo entre sistemas operativos GNU/Linux y Windows para el usuario promedio.

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