dc.contributorBarragan Morocho, William Roberto
dc.creatorBurgos Zamora, Oscar Alberto
dc.descriptionSince ancient times, radio has been considered one of the most accessible means of communication to the public, due to the construction of the discursive message of radio language with the word. The main objective of the radio is the emission of messages, but it also establishes a relationship with the audience through its statements and the content of the program. Radio discursive semiotics has special characteristics, a product of the narrative singularities that the support demands and of the nature of the elements with which it works. This research sought to implement or adapt the elements of radio language to build a good radio discursive semiotics. With the analysis of the discursive semiotics of radio language, he identified the type of communication in Radio Unika 2020 programs with a target audience, as well as the viability and correct dissemination of its content using the elements of radio language to achieve better growth in future broadcasting projects. The research was applied and with a qualitative approach, because it sought to identify, describe and interpret the role of the discursive semiotics of radio language in radio programs. As a sample, the number of days of one of the programs that the radio has was considered, monitoring in the last hour, obtaining in just this time parameter an extract about its program. This research was aimed at making a good broadcast of the radio program, where it was recommended to use all the elements of the discursive semiotics of the radio language that allows the messages that reach the listeners to be understood and achieve the audience objective for progress of the program.
dc.descriptionSince ancient times, radio has been considered one of the most accessible means of communication to the public, due to the construction of the discursive message of radio language with the word. The main objective of the radio is the emission of messages, but it also establishes a relationship with the audience through its statements and the content of the program. Radio discursive semiotics has special characteristics, a product of the narrative singularities that the support demands and of the nature of the elements with which it works. This research sought to implement or adapt the elements of radio language to build a good radio discursive semiotics. With the analysis of the discursive semiotics of radio language, he identified the type of communication in Radio Unika 2020 programs with a target audience, as well as the viability and correct dissemination of its content using the elements of radio language to achieve better growth in future broadcasting projects. The research was applied and with a qualitative approach, because it sought to identify, describe and interpret the role of the discursive semiotics of radio language in radio programs. As a sample, the number of days of one of the programs that the radio has was considered, monitoring in the last hour, obtaining in just this time parameter an extract about its program. This research was aimed at making a good broadcast of the radio program, where it was recommended to use all the elements of the discursive semiotics of the radio language that allows the messages that reach the listeners to be understood and achieve the audience objective for progress of the program.
dc.descriptionDesde tiempos lejanos, la radio ha sido considerada como uno de los medios de comunicación más accesible al público, debido a la construcción del mensaje discursivo del lenguaje radiofónico con la palabra. El principal objetivo de la radio es la emisión de mensajes, pero también entabla una relación con la audiencia a través de sus enunciados y el contenido del programa. La semiótica discursiva radiofónica tiene características especiales, producto de las singularidades narrativas que exige el soporte y de la naturaleza de los elementos con los que se trabaja. Con esta investigación se buscó implementar o adaptar los elementos del lenguaje radial para construir una buena semiótica discursiva radiofónica. Con el análisis de la semiótica discursiva del lenguaje radiofónico identificó el tipo de comunicación en los programas de la Radio Unika 2020 con un público objetivo, así como la viabilidad y difusión correcta de su contenido empleando los elementos del lenguaje radiofónico para lograr un mejor crecimiento en proyectos futuros de la radiodifusión. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada y de enfoque cualitativo, porque se buscó identificar, describir e interpretar el rol de la semiótica discursiva del lenguaje radiofónico en los programas de la radio. Como muestra, se consideró la cantidad de días de uno de los programas que tiene la radio, realizando un seguimiento en la última hora, obteniendo en tan solo este parámetro de tiempo un extracto sobre su programa. Esta investigación estuvo encaminada a realizar una buena emisión del programa radial, donde se recomendó utilizar todos los elementos de la semiótica discursiva del lenguaje radiofónico que permita que los mensajes que llegan a los oyentes puedan ser entendidos y logren alcanzar el objetivo de audiencia para el progreso del programa.
dc.format55 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectSemiótica discursiva
dc.subjectLenguaje radiofónico
dc.subjectLa radio
dc.titleSemiótica discursiva y su impacto en el lenguaje radiofónico de Radio Unika 2020

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