dc.creatorAguilera Sipion, Jordy Ronaldo
dc.descriptionThe deviation or loss of ocular parallelism is known as strabismus, which affects focusing and binocular vision. This is an eye condition that occurs more commonly in children than in older children. There are several causes of strabismus, among them we can mention optic nerve injuries or malfunction of the muscles that control the eyes, it is of utmost importance to detect it in time and provide adequate treatment. In this case study we analyze the situation of a 7-year-old patient with divergent strabismus, which is where the ocular parallelism is lost in the right eye and this is directed outward, hence the name divergent. The main objective of the optometrist is to provide an adequate corrective treatment to improve the patient's visual status. Once the analyses and examinations necessary for the diagnosis are completed, it is determined to apply the treatment of ocular occlusion and the use of bifocal lenses.
dc.descriptionThe deviation or loss of ocular parallelism is known as strabismus, which affects focusing and binocular vision. This is an eye condition that occurs more commonly in children than in older children. There are several causes of strabismus, among them we can mention optic nerve injuries or malfunction of the muscles that control the eyes, it is of utmost importance to detect it in time and provide adequate treatment. In this case study we analyze the situation of a 7-year-old patient with divergent strabismus, which is where the ocular parallelism is lost in the right eye and this is directed outward, hence the name divergent. The main objective of the optometrist is to provide an adequate corrective treatment to improve the patient's visual status. Once the analyses and examinations necessary for the diagnosis are completed, it is determined to apply the treatment of ocular occlusion and the use of bifocal lenses.
dc.descriptionLa desviación o la pérdida del paralelismo ocular es conocida como estrabismo, que afecta al enfoque y la visión binocular. Esta es una afección ocular que se presenta comúnmente en los niños más que en los mayores. Hay varias causas que provocan estrabismo, entre ellas se puede mencionar a las lesiones al nervio óptico o al mal funcionamiento de los musculo que controlan los ojos, es de suma importancia poder detectarlo a tiempo y brindar un tratamiento adecuado. En el presente caso de estudio se analiza la situación de una paciente de 7 años de edad que presenta estrabismo divergente, el cual es donde se pierde el paralelismo ocular en el ojo derecho y este es dirigido hacia afuera, es de ahí el nombre divergente. El optómetra tiene el principal objetivo de poder brindar un adecuado tratamiento correctivo para mejorar el estado visual de la paciente. Una vez culminado los análisis y exámenes necesarios para el diagnóstico se determina aplicar el tratamiento de oclusión ocular y uso de lentes bifocales.
dc.format26 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectEstrabismo divergente
dc.subjectNervio óptico
dc.titleEstrabismo divergente en paciente femenino de 7 años de edad.

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