dc.contributorCaicedo Hinojosa, Luis Antonio
dc.creatorÁlava De La Cruz, Maryuri Guadalupe
dc.descriptionIron deficiency anemia is one of the health problems that frequently manifest in pregnancy, it is related to pathologies such as: low birth weight, increased perinatal mortality, and premature birth; some studies suggest that it could also be related to postpartum depression. Iron deficiency in the blood is known as anemia, to determine it, hemoglobin values are below 11g/dl; The WHO classifies it as serious between 9 to 11 mg/dl. The objective of this clinical case is to improve the biochemical values through the nutritional care plan developed for a 19-year-old female patient with 8 weeks of gestation who has iron deficiency anemia. The study of the present case was carried out from the diagnosis of a patient in the gestation period with iron deficiency anemia, so that her nutritional status was assessed and it was diagnosed that she is at a normal weight, through biochemical tests it was determined that her Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are below normal values, likewise, he has dyslipidemia and leukocytosis, which indicates that he has infection. In the clinical evaluation, some signs of nutrient deficiency were observed: generalized paleness, symmetrical eyes, rapid breathing, pale lips; in the dietary evaluation it was found that the patient has a diet high in fat, low in iron, folic acid and vitamin C. Through the nutritional care process, the stated objectives were achieved, an adequate weight gain and an improvement in biochemical values were observed in the pregnant woman, in the same way the signs and symptoms improved. An adequate and early nutritional intervention accompanied by a nutritional plan adjusted to the needs of the patient is fundamental in the prevention of pathologies that affect both the baby and the mother, thus guaranteeing the optimal development of the new human being.
dc.descriptionIron deficiency anemia is one of the health problems that frequently manifest in pregnancy, it is related to pathologies such as: low birth weight, increased perinatal mortality, and premature birth; some studies suggest that it could also be related to postpartum depression. Iron deficiency in the blood is known as anemia, to determine it, hemoglobin values are below 11g/dl; The WHO classifies it as serious between 9 to 11 mg/dl. The objective of this clinical case is to improve the biochemical values through the nutritional care plan developed for a 19-year-old female patient with 8 weeks of gestation who has iron deficiency anemia. The study of the present case was carried out from the diagnosis of a patient in the gestation period with iron deficiency anemia, so that her nutritional status was assessed and it was diagnosed that she is at a normal weight, through biochemical tests it was determined that her Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are below normal values, likewise, he has dyslipidemia and leukocytosis, which indicates that he has infection. In the clinical evaluation, some signs of nutrient deficiency were observed: generalized paleness, symmetrical eyes, rapid breathing, pale lips; in the dietary evaluation it was found that the patient has a diet high in fat, low in iron, folic acid and vitamin C. Through the nutritional care process, the stated objectives were achieved, an adequate weight gain and an improvement in biochemical values were observed in the pregnant woman, in the same way the signs and symptoms improved. An adequate and early nutritional intervention accompanied by a nutritional plan adjusted to the needs of the patient is fundamental in the prevention of pathologies that affect both the baby and the mother, thus guaranteeing the optimal development of the new human being.
dc.descriptionLa anemia ferropénica es uno de los problemas de salud que frecuentemente se manifiestan en el embarazo, está relacionada con patologías tales como: bajo peso al nacer, aumento de la mortalidad perinatal, y parto prematuro; algunos estudios apuntan que también se podría relacionar a la depresión postparto. La deficiencia de hierro en la sangre se conoce como anemia, para determinar la misma, los valores de hemoglobina se encuentran por debajo de los 11g/dl; La OMS la clasifica como grave entre 9 a 11 mg/dl. El objetivo de este caso clínico es mejorar los valores bioquímicos mediante el plan de atención nutricional desarrollado al paciente de sexo femenino de 19 años de edad con 8 semanas de gestación que presenta anemia ferropénica. El estudio del presente caso se realizado a partir del diagnóstico de una paciente en periodo de gestación con anemia ferropénica, de manera que se valoró su estado nutricional y se diagnostica que se encuentra en un peso normal, por medio los exámenes bioquímicos se determinaron que sus niveles de hemoglobina y hematocrito se encuentras por debajo de los valores de normalidad, asimismo, presenta dislipidemia y leucocitosis, lo cual nos indica que presenta infección. En la evaluación clínica se observó algunos signos de deficiencia de nutrientes: palidez generalizada, ojos simétricos, respiración agitada, labios pálidos; en la evaluación dietética se encontró que la paciente tiene una dieta alta en grasa, baja en hierro, ácido fólico y vitamina C. Por medio del proceso de atención nutricional se lograron cumplir los objetivos planteados, se observó en la mujer gestante una ganancia de peso adecuada y una mejoría en los valores bioquímicos, de igual forma los signos y síntomas mejoraron. Una adecuada y temprana intervención nutricional acompañada de un plan nutricional ajustado a las necesidades del paciente es fundamental en la prevención de patologías que afectan tanto al bebe como a la madre, garantizando así el óptimo desarrollo del nuevo ser humano.
dc.format45 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleProceso de atención nutricional en paciente femenino de 19 años de edad con 8 semanas de gestación y anemia ferropénica.

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