dc.contributorMurillo Cano, Ketty Beatriz
dc.creatorJurado Arcos, Alexis Richard
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research work is to determine through surveys for an analysis of what are the ophthalmological diseases that can be found in dogs treated in veterinary care centers of the City of Babahoyo, lately people are more cautious with their pets because they are already considered members of the family so checkups are usually done for a change in the behavior of the dog, 90 surveys were conducted in different veterinary care centers taking into account data such as; race, sex, age, and type of ophthalmological pathology present obtaining as results in the breeds Mestiza 31.1%, Poodle with 14.4%, English Bulldog with 7.8%, Schnuzer with 6.7%, Pit Bull and Shih Tzu with 4.4%, French Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Neapolitan Mastiff and Pug with 3.3% among other breeds with prevalence of 1.1%. As for sex, finding in males a 60% higher prevalence than in females with 40%. The ophthalmological diseases that were found were Cataracts with 31.1%, Corneal ulcers with 20%, Prolapse of the lacrimal gland of the third eyelid with 17.8%, Conjunctivitis with 11.1%, Glaucoma with 6.7%, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca and Keratoconjunctivitis with 4.4%, Ocular enucleation with 2.2%, Anterior Uveitis and Eyelid tumors with 1.1%. All these are pathologies are very dangerous therefore they should be tended once the symptomatology is presented.
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research work is to determine through surveys for an analysis of what are the ophthalmological diseases that can be found in dogs treated in veterinary care centers of the City of Babahoyo, lately people are more cautious with their pets because they are already considered members of the family so checkups are usually done for a change in the behavior of the dog, 90 surveys were conducted in different veterinary care centers taking into account data such as; race, sex, age, and type of ophthalmological pathology present obtaining as results in the breeds Mestiza 31.1%, Poodle with 14.4%, English Bulldog with 7.8%, Schnuzer with 6.7%, Pit Bull and Shih Tzu with 4.4%, French Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Neapolitan Mastiff and Pug with 3.3% among other breeds with prevalence of 1.1%. As for sex, finding in males a 60% higher prevalence than in females with 40%. The ophthalmological diseases that were found were Cataracts with 31.1%, Corneal ulcers with 20%, Prolapse of the lacrimal gland of the third eyelid with 17.8%, Conjunctivitis with 11.1%, Glaucoma with 6.7%, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca and Keratoconjunctivitis with 4.4%, Ocular enucleation with 2.2%, Anterior Uveitis and Eyelid tumors with 1.1%. All these are pathologies are very dangerous therefore they should be tended once the symptomatology is presented.
dc.descriptionEl objetivo del presente trabajo investigativo es determinar mediante encuestas para un análisis de cuáles son las enfermedades oftalmológicas que pueden encontrarse en canes atendidos en centros de atención veterinaria de la Ciudad de Babahoyo, últimamente las personas son más precavidos con sus mascotas porque ya son considerados integrantes de la familia por lo cual se suelen hacer chequeos por un cambio en el comportamiento del can, se realizó 90 encuestas en diferentes centros de atención veterinaria tomando en cuenta datos como; raza, sexo, edad, y tipo de patología oftalmológica presente obteniendo como resultados en las razas Mestiza un 31.1%, Caniche con 14.4%, Bulldog Ingles con 7.8%, Schnuzer con 6.7%, Pitbull y Shih Tzu con 4.4%, Buldog Frances, Boston Terrier, Mastin Napolitano y Pug con un 3.3% entre otras razas con prevalencia del 1.1%. En cuanto al sexo encontrando en Machos un 60% mayor prevalencia que en hembras con un 40%. Las enfermedades oftalmologías que se encontraron fueron las Cataratas con un 31.1%, Ulceras corneales con un 20%, Prolapso de la glándula lacrimal del tercer parpado con un 17.8%, Conjuntivitis con un 11.1%, Glaucoma con 6.7%, Queratoconjuntivitis seca y Queratoconjuntivitis con 4.4%, Enucleación ocular con 2.2%, Uveítis anterior y Tumores palpebrales con 1.1%. todas estas son patologías son muy peligrosas por lo tanto deben tenderse una vez presentada la sintomatología.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleAnálisis estadístico de la prevalencia de enfermedades oftalmológicas en caninos consultados en centros de atención veterinaria de la ciudad de Babahoyo

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