dc.contributorAmaiquema Marquez, Franscisco Alejandro
dc.creatorAlvarado Navarrete, Roxana Griselda
dc.descriptionThe present case study is about the analysis of a young drug addict and how his addiction has influenced his relationship with his family and his social environment. Techniques such as semi-structured interview, non-participant observation, participant observation were used to carry out this work. , clinic history; also two psychological tests, the first the alcohol, tobacco and substance use (ASISST) consumption test and the second Hamilton anxiety scale. It is evident that the young person with drug dependence presented F12.10 Cannabis abuse without complications, so an appropriate treatment was applied to improve family relationships and with the environment in general; resulting in satisfactory greater communication and attention from the people around him.
dc.descriptionThe present case study is about the analysis of a young drug addict and how his addiction has influenced his relationship with his family and his social environment. Techniques such as semi-structured interview, non-participant observation, participant observation were used to carry out this work. , clinic history; also two psychological tests, the first the alcohol, tobacco and substance use (ASISST) consumption test and the second Hamilton anxiety scale. It is evident that the young person with drug dependence presented F12.10 Cannabis abuse without complications, so an appropriate treatment was applied to improve family relationships and with the environment in general; resulting in satisfactory greater communication and attention from the people around him.
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio de caso, trata sobre el análisis de un joven drogodependiente y como ha influido su adicción en la relación con sus familiares y su entorno social, para llevar a cabo este trabajo se utilizaron técnicas como entrevista semiestructurada, observación no participante, observación participante, historia clínica; también dos pruebas psicológicas, la primera la prueba de detección de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y sustancias (ASISST) y la segunda escala de ansiedad de Hamilton. Se evidencia que el joven con drogodependencia presentaba F12.10 Abuso de cannabis sin complicaciones, por lo que se aplicó un tratamiento apropiado para mejorar las relaciones familiares y con el entorno en general; dando como resultado satisfactorios mayor comunicación y atención por parte de las personas que lo rodean.
dc.format32 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectRelaciones sociales
dc.titleDrogodependencia de un joven y su afectación en las relaciones familiares

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