dc.contributorPonce Cepeda, Edison Vicente
dc.creatorBurgos Alvarado, Brenda Elizabeth
dc.descriptionGastric Dilation and Volvulus Syndrome is a common pathology in dogs, but especially in dogs of large and giant breeds, its etiology depends on many risk factors the best known are associated with the type of body, physical complexion and age of the animal, there is a higher incidence in patients with deep chest, overweight, middle-aged or elderly. Other factors that may contribute are excessive daily food intake, a diet high in fats and oils, eating anxiety behavior, laxity of the hepatogastric ligament and a history of DVG in one of the parents, postprandial exercises, and stress. This syndrome is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of gas and contents in the stomach, gastric distension, and rotation, which can lead to shock and multiple organ failure in the patient, can be fatal and requires emergency medical and surgical treatment and intensive postoperative surveillance. The purpose of this literature research is to provide an up-to-date view of the etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of gastric dilation (DVG) volvulus.
dc.descriptionGastric Dilation and Volvulus Syndrome is a common pathology in dogs, but especially in dogs of large and giant breeds, its etiology depends on many risk factors the best known are associated with the type of body, physical complexion and age of the animal, there is a higher incidence in patients with deep chest, overweight, middle-aged or elderly. Other factors that may contribute are excessive daily food intake, a diet high in fats and oils, eating anxiety behavior, laxity of the hepatogastric ligament and a history of DVG in one of the parents, postprandial exercises, and stress. This syndrome is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of gas and contents in the stomach, gastric distension, and rotation, which can lead to shock and multiple organ failure in the patient, can be fatal and requires emergency medical and surgical treatment and intensive postoperative surveillance. The purpose of this literature research is to provide an up-to-date view of the etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of gastric dilation (DVG) volvulus.
dc.descriptionEl Síndrome de Dilatación y Vólvulo Gástrico es una patología común en perros, pero especialmente en perros de razas grandes y gigantes, su etiología depende de muchos factores de riesgo los más conocidos están asociados con el tipo de cuerpo, complexión física y la edad del animal, existe mayor incidencia en pacientes con tórax profundo, sobrepeso, de mediana edad o de edad avanzada. Otros factores que pueden contribuir son: ingesta diaria excesiva de alimentos, una dieta con alto contenido de grasas y aceites, conducta de ansiedad alimentaria, laxitud del ligamento hepatogástrico y antecedentes de DVG en uno de los padres, ejercicios postprandial y estrés. Este síndrome se caracteriza por una acumulación anormal de gas y contenido en el estómago, distensión y rotación gástricas, lo que puede provocar shock y falla orgánica múltiple en el paciente, puede ser fatal y requiere un tratamiento médico y quirúrgico de urgencia y una vigilancia postoperatoria intensiva. El propósito de esta investigación bibliográfica es proporcionar una visión actualizada de la etiología, fisiopatología y tratamiento del vólvulo por dilatación gástrica (DVG).
dc.format27 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectSíndrome de Dilatación
dc.subjectVólvulo Gástrico
dc.titleSíndrome de dilatación vólvulo gástrico en perros.

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