dc.contributorEncalada Salcedo, Edmundo Raul
dc.creatorContreras Merchán, Josué Salvador
dc.descriptionPreterm birth is one of the most common obstetric problems in public health, having an incidence of about 10% in our country, despite the efforts made by the public health sector on the importance of family planning, many of these efforts are in vain since most of the population does not plan their pregnancies and as we know good planning helps to determine what the risks are in a pregnancy and thus we can act better before a risky pregnancy allowing the pregnancy to come to term. Factors such as anemia, premature mangrin rupture, vaginal infections, preeclampsia among many more that we will detail throughout this investigation are the most frequent to produce a preterm pregnancy. For this reason, it was decided to study and follow up this pathology in the case of a 36-year-old patient, primigravida with threat of preterm labor with a gestational age of 30 weeks, the same one who presented at the Babahoyo General HospitalThe management and follow-up of this case was together with the evolution of the pregnancy, both the pertinent controls, ultrasounds, monitoring and maternal-fetal surveillance, these data being provided by the Babahoyo General Hospital. This document presents the situation faced by the health professional and the mother-child binomial due to serious adverse situations that complicate pregnancy, and on certain occasions the best moment for its termination must be chosen, with the objective that the affectation to the maternal-fetal binomial is not extreme.
dc.descriptionPreterm birth is one of the most common obstetric problems in public health, having an incidence of about 10% in our country, despite the efforts made by the public health sector on the importance of family planning, many of these efforts are in vain since most of the population does not plan their pregnancies and as we know good planning helps to determine what the risks are in a pregnancy and thus we can act better before a risky pregnancy allowing the pregnancy to come to term. Factors such as anemia, premature mangrin rupture, vaginal infections, preeclampsia among many more that we will detail throughout this investigation are the most frequent to produce a preterm pregnancy. For this reason, it was decided to study and follow up this pathology in the case of a 36-year-old patient, primigravida with threat of preterm labor with a gestational age of 30 weeks, the same one who presented at the Babahoyo General HospitalThe management and follow-up of this case was together with the evolution of the pregnancy, both the pertinent controls, ultrasounds, monitoring and maternal-fetal surveillance, these data being provided by the Babahoyo General Hospital. This document presents the situation faced by the health professional and the mother-child binomial due to serious adverse situations that complicate pregnancy, and on certain occasions the best moment for its termination must be chosen, with the objective that the affectation to the maternal-fetal binomial is not extreme.
dc.descriptionEl parto pre termino es uno de los problemas obstétricos más comunes en salud publica teniendo un incidencia cerca del 10% en nuestro país, a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por el sector público de salud sobre la importancia de la planificación familiar mucho de estos esfuerzos son en vano ya que la mayor parte de la población no planifica sus embarazos y como sabemos un buena planificación ayuda a determinar cuáles son los riesgos en un embarazo y así podemos actuar mejor antes un embarazo de riesgo permitiendo que el embarazo llegue a término. Factores como anemia, ruptura prematura de mangrinas, infecciones vaginales, pre eclampsia entre muchos más que iremos detallando a los largo de esta investigación son los más frecuentes para producción un embarazo pre termino. Por tal motivo se decidió dar estudio y seguimiento a dicha patología en el caso de una paciente de 36 años de edad, primigesta con amenaza de parto pretermino con edad gestacional de 30 semanas, el mismo que se presentó en el Hospital General Babahoyo. El manejo de este caso fue junto con la evolución de las consultas, ecografías y exámenes que se realizaron al momento en que la paciente llego a la emergencia, estos datos siendo otorgados por el Hospital General Babahoyo. En este documento se presenta la situación a la que se enfrenta el profesional de salud y el binomio madre hijo debido a las situaciones adversas de gravedad que complican el embarazo, y en ciertas ocasiones se debe elegir el mejor momento para la finalización del mismo, con el objetivo de que la afectación al binomio materno fetal no sea extrema.
dc.format40 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleConducta obstétrica en primigesta de 36 años con amenaza de parto pretérmino con 30 semanas de gestación.

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